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After having sex for five hours straight, and performing in positions Y/N never thought possible, both Y/N and Cherri were sleeping peacefully. Both laid in Cherris bed. Their clothes littered around the room.

Cherri Bomb found a comfortable spot beside Y/N, snuggling up to him in her sleep. Wrapped in a peaceful slumber, she made adorable, faint sounds.

Y/N, feeling the warmth of the moment, couldn't help but smile at the unexpected sweetness.

In her sleep, Cherri Bomb mumbled a soft, endearing "Teddy bear."

Y/N, hearing the sweet utterance, couldn't help but feel a warmth in his heart.

Careful not to disturb the sleeping Cherri, Y/N wiggled and squirmed his way out of bed, moving with the precision of someone well-practiced in the art of getting up without waking a slumbering companion. He tiptoed through the room, leaving Cherri Bomb undisturbed in her peaceful sleep.

He slipped on his underwear and pants. In the quiet living room, Y/N carefully opened his suitcase, unveiling a compact and portable chocolate shop/factory. Tiny enchanted machines and molds were neatly organized, and magical ingredients awaited their transformation into delightful confections. As he set up his miniature workspace.

Y/N got to work, using the unique resources Hell had to offer. He harnessed sunbeams, capturing the fleeting warmth of the infernal light. Lightning in a bottle added a dash of electrifying magic to the mix, creating a dynamic dance of flavors. Glacier snow, a rare commodity in this fiery realm, brought a refreshing chill to balance the heat.

With meticulous precision, he sprinkled in raspberries, each one a burst of vibrant sweetness. The small portable shop buzzed with enchantment as Y/N crafted a blend of flavors that danced harmoniously in the tiny space, creating chocolates that were a testament to his inventive spirit.

Y/N carefully measured the enchanted ingredients, blending sunbeam-infused cocoa with the electrifying essence of bottled lightning. The glacier snow melted, adding a cool touch to the mixture. Sprinkles of raspberries completed the concoction.

The miniature machines hummed to life, molding the magical chocolate into intricate shapes.

Cherri, still rubbing sleep from her eye, walked into the living room and found Y/N engrossed in his chocolate-making process. Feeling a wave of exhaustion, she hugged him from behind, pressing her chest against his head, and whispered, "Come back to bed, Teddy bear. It's 4:00 in the morning. What are you doing up so early?"

Y/N blushed at the unexpected closeness, feeling the warmth of Cherri's chest against his head. He turned to her with a sheepish grin, appreciating the affectionate gesture. "I got a bit carried away with the chocolate-making. My bad,"

Cherri, with a playful smirk, dragged Y/N back to bed. She playfully picked up Y/N and tossed him onto the bed with a gleeful laugh. Y/N, caught off guard, couldn't help but join in the laughter.

Cherri, after the playful moment, kissed Y/N's cheek affectionately. She then nestled close, snuggling with him, and soon drifted back into a peaceful slumber.

Wrapped in the warmth of Cherri's embrace, Y/N reciprocated with a gentle hug. The tranquility of the moment seeped into his consciousness, and with a contented sigh, he allowed the embrace to lull him back into a peaceful slumber.

- - -

The next morning, Y/N slowly stirred awake to find Cherri Bomb standing in the doorway, clad in nothing but a bathrobe. A mischievous smirk played on her lips as she announced, "Morning, Teddy bear. I made breakfast. Get up, lazy bones." A hint of playfulness in her eye.

Y/N couldn't help but smile at Cherri's playful demeanor. He got out of bed and walked with her.

Cherri, still wearing that mischievous grin, led Y/N to the kitchen. He smelled something crispy and burnt.

Cherri, with a playful kiss on Y/N's cheek, proudly presented her culinary creations. "Ta-da! Burnt bacon and very crispy eggs. Bon appétit," she declared, her smirk suggesting a mix of pride and mischief in the unconventional breakfast spread.

Y/N took a hesitant bite of the burnt bacon and crispy eggs, and for a moment, his mouth went dry. The unusual textures and flavors caught him off guard, and he struggled to find the right words. Glancing at Cherri, he managed a small smile and said, "Well, it's certainly... unique."

Cherri giggled and smiled, then kissed his cheek.

Pure Imagination (Hazbin Hotel x Wonka reader.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ