Branch: Hanahaki Disease

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"Okay, fine. You can bring him here when you want." You gave up.

"Great! Because I already invited him over and he's on his way now!" Floyd smiled. You only rolled your eyes; he really only meant the best for you.

Later that night Clay had arrived at your home. Lucky for you it was in the middle of a coughing fit, so he got to see just how bad you were.

You had been coughing out full flowers at this point, their petals covered in blood.

"Man, I never got THAT bad." He covered his mouth with one hand while Floyd glared at him from behind you.

"Thanks. Good to know." You spit a few petals into the trash can and went to get a drink of water. "Floyd told me you had this?" You voiced.

"Yeah, for a while too." Clay had sat down on your sofa. He watched you carefully as your hands were shaking holding a cup of water. Floyd sat at the other end while you leaned against a table with the trash can nearby.

"I find that hard to believe." You said after taking a sip of your water. "You kind of seem like a loner kind of guy." He blinked at you.

"Thats rude! A tough guy like me can find love easily, the chicks especially love that I'm a reader." He nodded with a smug look on his face.

"Well, who did you have it for then?" You raised an eyebrow.

Clay looked around suspiciously as if the room was tapped with a recorder while Floyd rolled his eyes. "You can't tell anyone. We're kind of keeping it on the DL right now." He gestured with his hands.

"My mouth is full of flowers half of the time; you have nothing to worry about." You pretended to zip your mouth closed.

"Y/n.." Floyd tried to scold you. He hated when you joked about your situation. You laughed a little which caused you to go into a full coughing fit. You fell to your knees as the two brothers rushed to your side. Clay took the cup of water from your hands and rubbed your back. Which actually soothed the coughing.

"Viva.." Clay started when your coughing died down. "Viva and I have been together for a couple months now." You looked at him from the side of your eyes with blood dripping from your mouth. A smirk formed on your face as you chuckled quietly. You spit the remaining blood out and the two helped you to sit at the couch.

"You're not very good at hiding it." You laughed a little. Floyd also snickered from behind Clay. Clays face only took a second to be taken over by blush and his pupils dilated.

"Is it really that obvious?" He scratched the back of his neck. Both you and Floyd nodded. "Well, at least I'm not as obvious as you. Always gazing lovingly at Branch and blushing when he's within 10 feet of you. And that's a lot of distance for trolls." He teased. You hadn't told him this was because of Branch.

"Since you're so knowledgeable, how did you go about everything with Viva?" You said in a somewhat teasing way.

Clay focused his gaze on the ground. "Well, I made sure we were alone first of all. Big tough responsible guy can't be caught pouring out his feelings, right?" You rolled your eyes. "I made sure to make the scene romantic. I brought her out to a field at night so we could stargaze, and i pretty much started off by asking her if she knew what Hanahaki was."

"She seemed pretty oblivious to everything and what was going on." He chuckled while remembering with blush lightly dusting his cheeks. "But when she understood, she kinda just grabbed my face and kissed me without warning. My chest cleared up immediately." Clay summed it up with a small smile on his face.

"I'm really happy for you guys." You smiled at him genuinely. "But I don't understand how this is going to help me."

"We're trying to tell you that you have to tell him!" Floyd stood up. "Thats the only way!" Clay nodded in agreeance.

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