"Yeah, you right." India nodded her head, laying her head down on her arms. "I do not feel like going to practice today."

"Me either. Why she always making it right when school get out?" Nono asked as her bestfriend nodded.

"I don't know. I'm tired from yesterday. I still think that girl dropped me on purpose." India mugged nobody specific.

"India." She heard someone whisper yell as something hit the back of her head.

India rolled her eyes, turning around and seeing the only person who's been doing that since the beginning of the year.

"What Ty?" India mugged him as he smirked at her.

"You got the answers?" He asked, leaning back in his chair as he stared at her.

India thought he was so annoying. He's been bothering her since the beginning of the year and she never showed him the attention he wanted.

Nolani actually shipped them together at first until her and Omari started talking as he was in their lunch period.

Speaking of.

The bell rang and they both hopped up, India ignoring Ty as he packed up his stuff.

The girls said bye to Ms. Cooke and left the classroom, heading towards their lunch period.

They had this same class all year so their lunch period did switch but not their second block.

"India. India. India." Ty pestered her as he followed beside her and Nolani.

"She ignoring you for a reason." Nolani glanced over at him and he shrugged.

"She know we used to talk." Ty said looking at Nolani for a second before looking back at India.

"Barely. And plus we were in seventh grade." India scoffed, rolling her eyes at Ty.

"You got a new nigga and tryna act brand new?" Ty teased, texting someone back as they all turned into the lunch room.

"Last time I checked I was single." India shrugged. Of course she wanted Omari but nobody properly asked her out yet so couldn't nobody rightfully claim her.

"See you in our next class bestie." Ty spoke before walking off towardsbhis group of friends.

"I hate that I have to sit with him in that class too." India mumbled.

"Y'all actually talked?" Nolani questioned as they sat at their usual table.

"Barely. It was seventh grade and it was a middle school thing." India waved off the topic of Ty.

"What was?" They heard and they both turned to see Omari and Tay walking up to the table.

"Nothing. Hey." India changed the subject, smiling at Omari as he sat across from her.

"Wassup." He smiled back at her as Tay and Nolani started talking.

Omari and India had been talking since a little before christmas and India really liked him.

She hadn't told anyone but Nolani about him because she wanted to make sure it was serious or at least not a petty crush.

She mainly didn't tell Kiya because she didn't want her to tell Zyaire and then Zyaire start figuring out who Omari was and pressing him.

"You good?" He looked at India and she gave him a tight-lipped smile.

"Mhm." She hummed as they started talking about whatever while eating their lunch.

• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

"India!" India heard as she walked upstairs.

She was tired and just got back from practice, ready to eat, take a hot shower, and get in the bed.

"Yes!" She sighed, stopping at her room door.

"Can you come here please?" Kiya asked and India threw her head back.

"Hold on." She answered, opening her room door.

She dropped her practice bag down on her bed and left the room. She left her shoes downstairs so she wouldn't forget them in the morning.

She walked over to Kiya's room, pushing open the door.

She was more than surprised to see Jayden asleep on the bed and Kiya sitting at her vanity, installing a new wig.

"Oh...Hey." India said, sounding shocked as Kiya turned around to look at her.

"Hi. Do you think this looks cute? I wanted to try something different and I don't know if Zy would like it." Kiya said and India couldn't tell what kind of tone she had but it was different.

It didn't seem like Kiya.

"I think it's cute. You should do bangs more often." India spoke, walking fully in the room and walking over to Jayden.

"Maybe I should change it. Should I change it?" Kiya bit her lip, getting ready to just clip the bangs away.

"Kiya, it's fine." India trailed off, furrowing her brows at her big sister. "Are you okay? You're acting different."

"I'm fine." Kiya nodded, clearing her throat. "Just had to switch my wig before I didn't get paid." Kiya joked, a forced laugh coming out.

India laughed with her too but it was half-assed as she was more confused than anything.

Kiya was acting off and she was more concerned for her sister as she knew this wasn't about the bangs at all.

India walked over and shut Kiya's room door before going to sit on her bed.

"Did you and Zyaire have sex?" India blurted out and Kiya whipped her head around so fast that she almost got whiplash.

"Why are you asking me that?" Kiya scrunched her face up as she glanced down at Jayden then back up at India.

"Because you're acting weird, Kiya. You try new hairstyles all the time. When have you ever been that worried about if Zyaire would like it or not." India spoke truthfully and she could tell from Kiya's face that she was right.

Kiya stayed quiet, turning back around to her vanity and staring at the bangs again.

She bit her lip and India gave her sister the time she needed to speak.

"Yes we did...have...sex..." Kiya trailed off. "But I'm fine India."

"Whatever you say." India got up, walking out the room as Jayden followed behind her.

" India got up, walking out the room as Jayden followed behind her

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waiting for unc (my dad) to pick me up rn

i start work next week most likely 🙁


can finally buy my clothes and shoes i want 😩

girl im working as much as possible idc idc

guys ima try to get back to the longer updates

qotd: what scenes do you guys want to see? fillers only!!

ill see you guys in the next chapter byeeee

80 votes for the next chapterrr

1560 words

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