The Meeting

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Finally the day had arrived.  I dressed up.  I put on a light pink dress with gold polka dots.  I put on some gold jewelry and gold sandals.  I curled my hair and applied light makeup.  I wanted to make a good first impression but it was still school so I wanted to keep it simple.  I had about two hours still school started and about one and a half hours until I was going to meet my soulmate.  I made sure I got to school plenty early enough so I wouldn't miss him.  I drove to Starbucks and then went to school.  I get tapped on the shoulder. I turn around and I see HIM!  He wasn't anything like I expected him to be.  He was tall and very muscular.  He had tan hair and gorgeous green eyes.  In one look, I could tell he was the one.  Well, my bracelet also told me but my heart felt it too.  "Hi, I'm Brett, you must be my soulmate," he said.  "I'm Maya," I stuttered.  In that moment, our bracelets lit up and disappeared.  We started talking and I asked him why I haven't seen him before.  He told me he had just moved here from Texas and today was his first day.  Whoa, I did not imagine him to look this... wow.  The bell rang and we went to class... all my friends gathered around me.  They knew that I was going to meet my soulmate today and when they didn't see my bracelet, they freaked out.  They started squealing and made me point to him.  I felt bad for Brett.  It was his first day and all these girls were squealing over him.  It was hard being in high school with your soulmate, I learned very quickly.  There were still quite a few girls in my grade who hadn't found their soulmate.  Unlike me, most of them went on tons of dates without even caring if it was going anywhere or not.  I must admit, I was lucky.  Brett was probably the cutest guy in our grade and I got him as my soulmate.  My friend Kasey, no offense, got this really short nerd.  He was probably a foot shorter than her and had three inch glasses.  However, the other girls didn't really care that he was my soulmate.  They flirted with  him throughout the entire class.  He looked at me and gave me the help signal.  Luckily the bell rang, and I saved him from all the "populars."  No one thought that I would end up with this cute of a guy as my soulmate.  Fortunately the next class I sat next to Brett and could help ward off the others.  The day had finally ended and Brett got asked out by like 20 girls.  Of course he rejected and hung out with me instead, but it was hard to see all these girls literally drooling over my soulmate.  It was hard.  I trusted Brett but there have been stories when one half of a soulmate falls for another person.  I had just met Brett, and I felt like I was already loosing him.

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