The question is why? Why Virgil? Why a human? Why did he feel it at all let alone so strongly? His emotions were usually just the slightest blip. There was enough for Roman to notice them... but so weak and muted that it never mattered. If it was ever truly noticeable, it was usually anger and that was never good. So why is it different this time?

He was attached. He knew enough about himself to be able to tell that. He'd gotten very attached to his human, but that alone didn't explain much... He never did enjoy sharing; he hated it more than most. What was his was his and no one else could touch it, and that would explain the possessiveness a bit but... Roman sighed as he leaned against the back of the carriage. He just didn't understand-...

This chill ran down his spine, making his eyes flash brightly and it took everything in him not to let his magic flare in response.

"STOP THE CARRIAGE!" The carriage screeched to a halt as Roman jumped out, grabbing his sword without a second thought.

"You're highness?" Logan was over to him in a second but Roman was too lost in that sick feeling, he didn't pay him any mind. "Sir, what is it?"

"I got a bad feeling." Roman muttered as he strapped everything up and started for the woods. "Stay here." He took one last look at the group before seeing the terror in Virgil's eyes and faltering. "Just... I'll be back. Set up camp... Poppet's in charge!"

"WAIT WHAT?!" The fae all screamed as Roman ran off into the woods. Virgil didn't even hear it. He was too busy panicking over the prince just running off. Virgil subconsciously went to run after only for Patton to hold him back.

"No, Kiddo. You have to stay here." Virgil yelled in rage as he tried to kick himself free but Patton only held on tighter. "Kiddo, he put you in charge!" Virgil whimpered as he finally stopped struggling and Patton sighed as he just hugged him close, hoping to help him. "The Prince will be ok, but you can't leave. He put you in charge, that has to mean something."

"I suspect it's only to keep him safe. If he's in charge then he knows I'll keep the other three from lashing out." Logan muttered angrily over how the other fae were spouting at the mouth. "ENOUGH!" He yelled making Virgil jump. Logan glared the others down making them all cower at the sight. They knew better than to challenge the prince's advisor. "You are all being absolute disgraces. Have you no loyalty..." Virgil just tuned the rest out. He didn't care to listen to Logan's rant. All that mattered to him was Roman and making sure he came back safe.

It just wasn't something that he did. Roman usually never ran off on his own but... He didn't have a guard detail with him this time. He wanted to keep the group as small as he could to limit any possible exposure. He didn't want anyone getting infected on the trip. Still... he couldn't shake that bad feeling. It was like this snake coiled in his gut, writhing horribly, sending ice down his veins. Whatever it was that caused such a bad feeling was nothing good at all.

Roman just kept going further and further into the woods, following the bad feeling. He didn't know what he would find but he didn't stop looking. He didn't want whatever it was to cause any trouble to his kingdom.

There was a crack sound and Roman's grip on his sword tightened. He crouched as he slowly stalked towards the sound. He could hear footsteps and that sickening feeling grew, making him nauseous. He took a breath before jumping up only to see an injured dear. It tried to run away only to limp and whimper in pain as its leg was badly damaged. Roman crashed, his sword tip falling to the dirt, before just shaking his head and putting his sword away.

"Shh... it's ok." He spoke softly as he used his magic to calm the dear. It bleated quietly, its ears twitching in fear, but it let Roman get closer. "I can help you. It's going to be ok." Roman smiled as he slowly knelt and placed his hand over the deer's leg, letting his magic soak into the creature and heal it. Soon enough it jumped up and ran away, its leg as good as new, and Roman just sighed. "You're welcome." Roman joked before rolling his eyes.

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