"Oh... well, hmm... I... just wanted to... I guess."

"Come on, darling. Forgot I used to stalk you. You only drink when you are stressed or going through a breakup."

Shit... he knows me too fucking well...

"I... I just... I was thinking of... you know... why I..."

Will interrupted with a knowing smirk, "Why you couldn't get that bastard's face out of your mind, huh?"

"I... yeah. It's haunting me, Will. The things we did..."

His expression darkened for a moment, his gaze piercing. "It had to be done, darling. We're in this together. Remember?"

"Yeah, I know... It's just hard to shake off sometimes."

He reached for my hand, squeezing it reassuringly. "We're bound by more than just blood now, darling. We're free, and no one can touch us. But you have to let go of the guilt. It's our world now, love."

"I just... I never thought I could... I mean, I never imagined..."

He cut me off gently, "You're stronger than you think, darling. We did what we had to do. Now, let's focus on us and the life we're building together. No more looking back."

"But... what if someone finds out?"

"Don't worry, love," he reassured with a twisted smile. "Let them try. We've covered our tracks well, love. Besides, who would suspect us? We're just two ordinary people in love."

I hesitated, my eyes reflecting a mix of fear and resolution. Will leaned in, his voice low and dangerous, "We're partners in crime, darling. Nothing can tear us apart. Cause you'll always come back to me" He sat back up. There was silence for a while.

Will broke it by saying, "Now, enough of the heavy talk," his tone lightening. "Do you want breakfast, love? I can whip up something to help shake off the remnants of last night." I managed a small smile, appreciating the shift in focus. "Yeah, that sounds good."

Will stood up, releasing my hand. We went out of his room and headed towards the kitchen. "Any cravings today, my accomplice in crime?" He teased. I chuckled, a mix of nerves and genuine amusement. "Surprise me, partner." As he disappeared into the kitchen, I couldn't shake the lingering question in my mind. 

Could this ordinary morning routine truly mask the sinister secrets of our shared past?

Soon, Will was done cooking. The smell of pancakes and coffee lingers in the air. I sat at the table as he placed the plates and the cups on the table. We then dug in. There was silence, but a comforting silence.

"So..." Will said, breaking the comforting silence. "Any plans, today?" He asked as he took a sip of his coffee. I shook my head and replied, "Not really... how about, we have a lazy day, today." He nodded. Soon, we were done eating. I grabbed the dishes and put them in the sink. We walked into the living room and sat down.

I snuggled close to Will, lying on his chest, as he put an arm around me. He then turned the TV on. We watched the shows that were on the channels. The clock ticked away, and before we knew it, it was 4 pm. The realization prompted a subtle yearning to return home, to step back into the ordinary world beyond the haven we had created.

"Will," I murmured, my voice breaking the comfortable silence. He turned his gaze towards me, a question lingering in his eyes.

"I think I should head back," I said, with a hint of hesitation in my tone.

A flicker of understanding crossed Will's face, and without protest, he stood up. "Sure, love. I'll drive you home."

I nodded and he went to grab his keys. We walked towards the door and went to his car. Getting in, he started the engine and soon drove off to my place.

---time skip to a month later---

William POV

I went out of my office to see the pizzeria busy as usual. As I looked around the pizzeria, children were playing and running around. The sound of their laughter, cheers, and playful chatter, was making my head pound. 

'Agrh... they sound better begging for their lives', I chuckled internally.

The thoughts of seeing the fear in their eyes... hearing them beg for their lives... listening to their screams, like a chilling melody I would play on repeat... my hands being covered by their blood...

I've been struggling to endure, resisting the urge to end their lives, All while being distracted by Y/N for the last month. I groaned and walked to Parts and Services, I looked behind me before unlocking the door.

I went in, closing the door behind me. I raised the black cloth, unveiling a closet. I open it, revealing the two suits. Upon seeing the suits, a smirk appeared on my face. I kneeled and grabbed Spring Bonnie's head. The smirk on my face spread wider. 

"Hello, old friend"

Her Secret Admirer (William Afton X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now