6 The Rise Of The Cybermen II

Start from the beginning

    "She's got you. Those two haven't." The Doctor told her. "All these different worlds, not one of them gets it right."

    "Rose!" Jackie called. "Here's my little girl! Come to mummy, come to mummy, yes." A little dog barked running over to Jackie. She bent down and picked her up.

The Doctor and I both looked at Rose, we both let out a laugh, it was hard to hold. She was replaced by a dog.



I continue wandering around serving. The Doctor and I sneak upstairs, we stop at a room with a regular computer. We check to make sure no one's looking before we go inside. Quietly, closing the door behind us.
The Doctor put on his glasses. I watch as he looks through the computer. He finds a file and plays it. There was a diagram of a human head spinning around, you could see the brain and the bones.

"The most precious thing on this earth is the human brain..." A man's voice spoke. It went on and showed another diagram of a human head wearing the ear pieces. "This is the ultimate upgrade. Our greatest step into cyberspace." The earpiece is extended up the persons head and connected at the top. The Doctor seems to recognize that this looks like something he's seen before.

"Cybus." He repeated, then ran out. I followed after him.
We got down back to the party looking through the people to find Rose.
We rushed over to her as she walked out one of the windows.
I put my face in the glass to see figures walking towards the house, same speed, they look the exact same. And they came a bit closer. I could see were men, metal men.

"It's happening again." The Doctor muttered.

"What do you mean? What's happening?" I asked.

"I've seen them before." The Doctor said.

"What are they?" Rose asked.

"Cybermen." Said that another window shattered people screamed as a Cyberman punched through the glass. Another window was kicked by a Cyberman and another one step through. Glass shattered people screamed, every window every exit a Cyberman now stood. The Doctor pulled me in rows away from a doorway as Cybermen walked through it.
We were all surrounded. Everybody in the room was grouped in the center. Including me, the Doctor and Rose.

"Mr. Lumic." The President spoke, talking to Mr. Lumic through his ear pieces. "I forbade this."

"What are they? Robots?" Rose asked the Doctor.

"Worse than that."

"Who were these people?" The President asked.

"They're people?" I questioned.

"They were. Till they had all their humanity taken away. That's a living brain jammed inside a cybernetic body. With a heart of steel, all emotions removed." The Doctor explained quietly to me and Rose.

"Why no emotions?" Rose asked.

"Because it hurts."

"I demand to know, Lumic, these people, who were they?" The President demanded. One of the Cybermen stepped in front of the President.

"We have been upgraded." It spoke in a robotic voice.

"Into what?" The Doctor asked it.

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