7 The Age Of Steel I

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The Doctor uses the his crystal, sending energy to all the Cybermen in front of us. They all bent backwards before disintegrating.

"What the hell was that?" Ricky asked.

"Or how about instead, run!" The Doctor yelled.

We ran past the Cybermen and a horn honked as a van drove up.

"Everybody in!" The lady in the driver seat yelled. I ran inside, so everybody else. The Doctor, Rose and Pete with the last too get in. "Finished chatting? Never seen a slower getaway in my life!"
She quickly drove away.

Ricky, the other man whose name was Jake and the driver we're in the front that was separated by a gate, me, Mickey, Rose, Pete and the Doctor were in the back.

"What was that thing?" Ricky asked looking at us and pointing at the crystal in the Doctor's hand.

"Little bit of technologies from my home." The Doctor said.

"It's stopped glowing. Has it run out?" Mickey wondered.

"It's on a revitalizing loop. It'll charge back up in about four hours." The Doctor answered.

"Right. So we don't have a weapon anymore?" Ricky said.

"Yeah, we've got weapons." Jake said. "Might not work on those metal things, but they are good enough for men like him." He looked at Pete.

"Leave him alone! What's he done wrong?" Rose defended.

"Oh, you know, just laid a trap that's wiped out the government and left Lumic in charge." Jake said.

"If I was part of that, do you think I'd leave my wife inside?" Pete question.

"Maybe your plan went wrong. Still gives us the right to execute you, though." Ricky agreed with his friend.

"Talk about executions, you'll make me your enemy. And take some really good advice, you don't want to do that." The Doctor told them.

"All the same, we have evidence that says Pete Tyler's been working for the Lumic since 20.5." Ricky said.

"Is that true?" Rose, looked at Pete.

"Tell them, Mrs. M." Ricky said.

"We've got a government more who feeds us information. Lumic's private files, his South American operations, the lot. Secret broadcasts twice a week." Mrs. M explained.

"Broadcasts from Gemini?" Pete asked.

"And how do you know that?" Ricky questioned.

"I'm Gemini! That's me!" Pete admitted.

"Yeah, well, you would say that." Ricky said.

"Encrypted wavelength 657, using binary 9. That's the only reason why I was working for Lumic, to get information." Pete admitted. "I thought I was broadcasting to the secret services. What do I get? Scooby Doo and his gang. They've even got the van." I couldn't lie. Pete was correct in that, it did kind of seem like it.

"No, no, but the Preachers know what they're doing." Mickey defended. "Ricky said he's London's most wanted."

"Yeah, that's not exactly..."

"Not exactly what?" Mickey questioned Ricky.

"I'm London's most wanted for parking tickets." Ricky said that I had to hold back my laughter.

"Great." Pete sighed.

"They were deliberate. I was fighting the system. Park anywhere, that's me." Ricky claimed.

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