Chapter 3: A Very Good Plan

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The chill that was seeping through the roots woke me up. Obi-Wan was still doing his meditation thing, but it was time to go out, so I approached him hesitantly. When he didn't move, I poked him slightly. "You in there?"

He chuckled, opening his eyes to look at me. "Yes little one, I'm still here."

There were those words again, little one. Had he been using them the entire time? I had been pretty tired while we talked, so I wasn't sure.

I put my hands on my hips, slightly embarrassed. "Good, then we can get going."

After grabbing my bow and knife, I unplugged the entrance, blissfully cool air hitting my face, and jumped out. When the entrance was plugged again, I motioned up into the tree looming over us, ever the guardian of my home. "It will be easier to get around if we climb up first." I then looked him up and down, remembering the bruises littering his torso. "You can climb, right?"

He quirked up an eyebrow. "Yes, I can climb."

I nodded. "Good, see you up there then." I said, before stretching my claws and gripping the trunk, hauling myself up. When I got to the first branch, about halfway up the tree, I saw him still standing on the ground, looking up at me.

"What are you waiting for?!" I shouted down, leaning forward slightly as I used my tail for balance.

He didn't answer, only taking a couple of steps back, before running forward and JUMPING ONTO THE BRANCH.

He wobbled a bit at first, and I quickly grabbed his shoulder to steady him. "How did you do that?!" I whisper shouted.

"Well, I am a Jedi." He smirked.

I gaped at him. "That was the force just now?!"


Mirth filled my chest, both my own and his, and I sputtered. He just leaped over the tops of some of the largest trees around to get to this branch, and he acted like it was nothing. I shook my head in exasperation. "So I'm to assume that this is just a normal Jedi thing."

"It is not a very impressive feat among the Jedi, no."

"And I'm the strange one." I mumbled as I jumped to the next branch above us.

"I never said you were strange." He replied, jumping a branch further than me. I gave him an impassive look as I pulled myself up next to him. "You didn't need to say it, I could feel it."

When he didn't reply, I continued upward. "I don't take it personally, I think you're weird too, leaping over trees as you do." A small chuckle escaped his lips, and warmth spread through me, making me smile.

We continued in silence, the branches getting closer together and the leaves forming solid walls between us and the sky. But then, I was able to poke my head through the top, and was met by the giant planet acting as a moon, and the brightly twinkling stars. I could never get enough of this view.

I heard Obi-wan join me to my right as I scanned the tree tops under us. it wasn't hard to spot where the small ship had crashed through the canopy. It was a gaping hole in the otherwise glowing collection of tree tops, glowing with artificial light.

I pointed out the spot. "There. That's where your ship crashed. The droids are still guarding it, seeing as they're lighting up the place like the idiots they are."

"They never have been the brightest." Obi-wan said.

My head whipped to the side to look at him. "Wait, you know them?"

He nodded. "Not many people would dare to shoot down a Jedi starfighter."

"Alright. Then you'll know how to deal with them, right? You got a plan?" I asked.

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