Chapter eight - Scattered

Start from the beginning

My eyes open to tall, dead trees towering over me. I sit up, thankful that I did not teleport us all above this time. I see Kazumi sat up looking at me, and I quickly stand up and go to him, helping him up too.
“Lydia,” I look down at him as he clings to my leg, “where is everyone?”
I look around, suddenly acutely aware that no one is near.
“Aaaaaah!” Kazumi and I snap our heads in the direction of a scream, and I immediately recognize the horrified yelling. “Devan!” I call out, as he emerges from the forest at a quick pace. “What happened?” I ask, as he looks back at the woods he just came out of. “There was, um. There was a spider.” I smile when he says this, and Kazumi giggles. “Hey! It’s not funny! Eh- Lydia, not you, too!”
He pleads as I chuckle to myself. “Alright, alright. Where is everyone?” His expression turns serious, and he looks around. “I… I don’t know.”
Huh? Did someone say the words wrong? Where is everyone, I start thinking to myself, wait…
“Devan, what did I tell you all to do?” He looks at me. “Um, you told us to concentrate on the Elfin Tribes, and then say the spell on the count of three. Why?”
Oh no… “okay… okay. Alright.” I repeat to myself, trying to relax so Kazumi and Devan don’t freak out. “Lydia?” Devan looks at me with curious eyes, as Kazumi looks up at me with slightly worried eyes. I turn around and try to think of something to do or tell them. “Lydia,” Devan grabs my shoulder and turns me back around. When he sees my exhausted and worried expression, his eyes widen. “Lydia, what’s wrong?” Kazumi asks, tugging at my cape. I look at Devan.
“I- I think we all teleported to different locations! I wasn’t specific enough when I was explaining the spell to you, and everyone thought of different places in different tribes, and now we’re all separated and I don’t know where anyone is or how to find them.” I say all in one breath, watching Devan’s eyes widen.
“Oh, Alora,” he sighs, looking down for a second before quickly meeting my eyes again. “Alright. You’re Lydia! You got this! Just use your books to un-bad the situation,” he smiles, not knowing how little that helped. I sigh and pace the floor, Kazumi standing next to Devan as I begin to formulate a plan, anxiety and stress slowly taking hold as I mumble incoherently.

As Lydia paces back and forth, mumbling to herself with a puzzled look, me and Kazumi watch her, waiting for her to think of something.
“Um… is she okay?” Kazumi asks me. “Oh, yeah. Don’t worry, she always thinks of something!” I say enthusiastically, hiding the fact that I can tell by her expression that she is worried.

Okay, alright, alright! Think. Everyone is scattered across Ahren.  I’m with Devan and Kazumi, which leaves Elara, Dorian, Fern and Inara. Judging on their knowledge of Ahren geography, I should be able to get a better idea of where they are. Let’s see, Inara. She’s the Sage of Ahren, so she probably knows where everything is in Ahren. Her favorite places should narrow it down. Her castle… the Coren Tribe… the _artistic_  Tribe… Azza village. Okay, now, that narrows it down Coren and _____ Tribe. Okay. Elara. She’s been to Ahren a bunch of times with me, Devan and Eden to visit Inara, so… the Castle of Life… the Coren Tribe… and the Great Ahren Forest. So, Coren Tribe. Alright. Okay, Dorian. He’s the Coren Tribe Forest Ranger Captain, so he probably knows every inch of Ahren… so, Coren Tribe… Azza Village… Clover Village… and The Pond. so, Coren Tribe. Okay! Looks like most of them are at least in an Elfin Tribe. Okay, Fern…
‘Lydia…’ I suddenly hear a voice in my head and look around. ‘Lydia…’ it speaks again, and I recognise Fern’s soft and quiet voice. “Fern…” I mumble, stopping in my tracks. “Dia?” Devan speaks up to my right. I put my finger up, signaling him to be quiet. ‘Lydia..! I’m with Elara. We’re okay. We’re in the Forest of Life… Elara thinks we are close to the Tribes. I can hear you right now, through your mind. Should we try to get back to Coren?’
I sigh, relieved to hear Fern’s small voice, and that Elara is okay.
“Yes, Fern. tell Elara that she can try to find Coren. And Fern, tell her that I’m with Devan and Kazumi, and that we’re all alright.” I see Devan and Kazumi smile in the corner of my eye. ‘Okay!’
The voice is gone and I turn to Devan and Kazumi.
“Okay. My best guess is that we’re in the Great Forest. Which means, we are very far from everyone else. So, we should get moving.” I turn around and look for a path to walk. Devan steps up next to me.
“But where?” He asks. Kazumi grabs my hand and as I look down at his eyes, full of hope, I feel him squeeze my hand.
“Lydia, you'll figure it out. Right?”
I watch as he smiles, hope shining brightly in his eyes.
           “Yes. Don't worry, we'll get back to Inara and the others.” I look up at the forest, seeing one trail that breaks off behind us into two paths.
           Then, Devan jumps and hovers, his wings flapping quickly to a frog's deep croaking. Frogs…?
           “Yeah, yeah, I know - it's just a frog stop overreacting.” He cuts me off, his voice high.
           “No. Frogs.” I look at him, expectantly. He looks at me, blankly, still hovering up and down slightly as his wings keep him in the air.
           I sigh. “Where is the only place in Ahren that has frogs that sound like that?” He shrugs, looking down at me like I am crazy for expecting him to know.
           “The Swamp!” Kazumi answers, my attention turning to him.
           “Yes. The Swamp. And if there's a swamp frog,” I look to Devan, eyeing him, “then…?”
Come on Devan, this is an easy one.
           “A Swamp!” He exclaims, shrinking into himself as his knees touch his chest. I sigh. “And what kept you up that night at Coren?” His eyes widen, and he slowly plants his feet on the ground, his wings folding behind him. “Frogs…” He looks at me, hope now entering his eyes.
           I smile. “So, we must be somewhere near Coren!” Kazumi smiles up at me, amazement radiating from his eyes.
           I turn to the trees again, and listen closely. Suddenly a faint croak sounds from far back in the trees. It's far away, but it's there…
           I turn back to look at Devan and Kazumi, and smile. “I can hear it. Come on,” I say as Kazumi smiles and grabs my hand. Devan slides his hands into his pocket and proudly smiles, as if he was never worried at all.
           As we walk, the faint croaking slowly grows louder, but so do the dead trees. I think nothing of it, until I start to realize that I haven't seen a healthy tree in a while. I start to turn to Devan to ask if he's noticed it too, but I refrain myself.
I don't want him to worry, I think.
           I try to push the trees out of my mind, and focus on the frogs. Their deep croaks get louder and closer, and hope rises in me, until I smell something awful. I stop walking, Devan and Kazumi stop too and look at me.
“Lydia, what's wrong?” Devan touches my shoulder as I look at him. Kazumi squeezes my hand and I look down at him. He looks terrified.
Shit… Kazumi.
           “Is- is that…” I kneel down, our faces eye level as I hold his shoulder.
“Yes, but don't worry. Just don't make any noise and it should leave us alone. You… ever read about Ahren's monsters?” I ask, trying to calm him down. He nods.
“The Ahren Swamp is home to a Swamp Monster. It… it is blind, and can only detect you if you make noise. It has been known to attack travelers by throwing the mud and sludge from the Swamp at them.” I nod, listening to him as he rattles information off the top of his head. “Mhm. It's also very thin and frail, but the mud covers its body in a way so it looks much bigger and stronger.” As I'm talking, I hear Devan gasp quietly. I turn around and see that a small blue bird has landed on his shoulder. I stand and look at the bird, then him. “Don't. Move.” I whisper, his eyes widening at me.
           The bird twitches its head in different directions, curiously, before it locks eyes with me. No, I say in my head, please, no.
           But suddenly, the bird opens its beak and chirps a high-pitched and echoing sound. Devan locks eyes with me in terror, as I hear the Swamp bubbling behind him. A loud growl sounds from behind us, and Devan suddenly jumps in front of me, his back to the swamp as I see him stumble when sludge hits his back and oozes down his wings, soaking and sticking his feathers together. His arms shake a bit as he holds them out to either side of him, and he steadies himself before more sludge is thrown on his back and wings.
           “Lydia, I don't care if this is dangerous, or stupid! Just find a spell in that magic book of yours to help us get out of this mess.” His words surprise me as I summon my book and flip the pages, quickly scanning each page.
           Devan stumbles as the sludge hits him harder. My eyes shoot up to him.
           “I'm fine, just hurry!” he cuts me off, his wings starting to tremble.
           I nod, flipping the pages quicker.
I suddenly look up at Devan, his expression changing as he looks over his shoulder to make sure no more sludge is coming before he steps aside.
           I put my hand forward and conjure a small ball of purple light and throw it at The Swamp Monster. The light evaporates when it leaves the tips of my fingers.
           My eyes widen in horror and slight embarrassment, and the monster laughs throatily and starts to gather more sludge on its arm, getting ready to attack again.
           Devan jumps in front of me again and braces himself for another hit, as I brace myself for the pained look on his face, and for the Swamp Monster to suffocate us in the sludge.
           But when we expect the sludge to hit, nothing happens. It's quiet.
           “Forgot magic doesn't work in The Swamp?” I hear a familiar voice as I look over Devan's shoulder and my eyes light up.
           “Dorian!” I gasp as I run around The Swamp towards him. He vanishes his bow and opens his arms as I hug him, and he stumbles back a bit, but then hugs me tight. 
           I suddenly look up at him, curiously.
           “But- how did you-”
He chuckles a little. “I'm the Forest Ranger Captain. I used Coren Arrows, not Sage Arrows.”
I look at the arrow stuck in the Swamp monster's back, seeing the yellow feathers
           “Your Sage Arrows are cuter, though,” Devan says, joining us to my right. He looks at the Coren Arrow.
           “Way cuter.”
           Dorian lets out a huge sigh of relief.            
           “Devan! Thank Alora you two are okay.”
           Kazumi suddenly grabs my hand, and clings closely to my leg.
           “I'm here, too!”
           Dorian smiles. My expression saddens as my eyes start to water. Dorian looks back at me, his face immediately changing to one of concern.
           “Hm? Lydia?”
Devan and Kazumi look at me.
           “I'm so sorry. I… I should have been more specific when I was explaining the teleportation spell to everyone, and now we're all lost and-”
           Dorian suddenly grabs hold of my shoulders.
           “Lydia, Lydia slow down. Hey, look at me. Hi. This is not your fault. You couldn't have known. Just take a breath, and think.”
           I take a deep breath.
           “Um… I heard frogs but their croaks were deep, so I knew The Swamp was nearby. Fern talked to me, telepathically. She's with Elara, and they are okay. She said they're somewhere in The Great Ahren Forest and are heading to Coren. As for Inara…” My voice trails off, and I look back up at him. He nods, then smiles softly.
           “That's okay. The important thing is that we're together. We'll figure this out.” He looks around, and I watch his eyes shift around as he studies the area. “Okay… so North, right?”
He looks back at me. I nod and let him lead us through the Forest. Kazumi clings to my arm and Devan hovers quietly behind us.
Suddenly, his ears point up and his tail swishes once quickly.
           “Dori, what?” I ask quietly as he looks back at me. “It's Ellie.”
           I smile, as he sniffs the air, then points to the left. He walks forward first as I hear footsteps. Suddenly, Elara and Inara appear from the trees, and Elara spots us immediately.
           “Dorian, Lydia. Thank Alora you're safe…”
           “I’m here, too!” Kazumi announces as he steps forward from behind me. Elara nods knowingly, then I see Fern nervously step forward from behind Elara. My heart flutters as I see her, noticing how she doesn't seem injured at all. Elara steps forward and wraps her arms around me. My hands squeeze her back, as she let's go and steps to Dorian to hug him, too. When Elara turns to hug Dorian, Fern quickly clings to my legs as she hugs me. I pat her head softly and she smiles up at me then let's go but stays close to me.
           I catch Kazumi smiling comfortingly at her in the corner of my eye, my heart being warmed by the wholesome sight.
           Once we've all calmed down a bit, a thought crosses my mind.
           “Elara, do you know how close we are to Coren?” Her attention turns to me and she leans to the side, placing her hand on her hip. “I'm not sure, but I believe that we are close,” she pauses, briefly looking down at the ground, then back at me. “But I don't know what we'll go back to…”
I see a flash of regret in Dorian's eyes as he shifts more weight onto his other foot. I place my hand on his shoulder, and his eyes look tensely at mine. I smile softly. “I'm sure everyone's fine. They're all very strong and resilient. Especially Lizx. Coren is in great hands. Don't worry.”
I notice his eyes lose the tense look from before, and he smiles back to me before nodding his head slightly.
           After I say these comforting words to Dorian, I start to group everyone up.
Alright. Elara and Fern… me, Devan and Kazumi… Dorian… Inara.
           A worried look crosses my face, but I hide it behind a little smile.
           We continue walking North, as Kazumi and Fern follow closely behind and next to me. Fern holds my hand, while Kazumi holds onto my cape behind me.
           Despite my words of comfort, I actually don't know what happened in Coren while we were gone. I hope as much as I am able to hope that Lizx and everyone else is okay. I smile at my daydream of Lizx and a few other Forest Rangers sitting and talking and laughing around a campfire, as we start to enter a section of the Forest that belongs to Coren.
           I notice Dorian looking at me to my left, with a small smile. I return his smile, feeling a sense of unity.
Then suddenly a red glow flickers in his eyes as they glance forward again, and his expression darkens.
           My eyes follow his gaze.

           Just past the trees strongly stands Lizx, her huge axe clutched tightly in her right hand. But just behind her, to the left is a Krill. It growls, and lunges at Lizx.
My heart drops, as it seems she doesn't know the Krill is behind her. My hands instinctively come up to my mouth as I try to think of a spell that can help, anything. But as horror tightly grips me while I try desperately to think of something, Lizx suddenly jerks her head back, a smirk visible on her face. She clutches her axe with both hands and swings it aggressively, as it slashes through the Krill diagonally, and it collapses and slowly turns to smoke as gradually disappears.
           “Lizx!” Fern suddenly let's go of my hand and runs to Lizx, as she stabs her axe into the ground and kneels to embrace Fern. I sigh with relief, and look at Dorian. The red that was in his eyes are gone, and his horrified expression is replaced with a deeply relieved one.

           We're all inside Lizx's house again, Elara sits on a stool, Devan lays back on the couch, Fern and Kazumi sit in the corner, Dorian and Lizx huddle around the map of Aiyana, as I stand across from them with my arms crossed.
Inara still hasn't shown up yet, and I'm starting to feel more and more worried.
           “Lizx, what's the architectural damage,” I ask. She looks at me. “Uh, zero. Lydia, you should sit down.”
           “Mhm,” I hum absently. “What's the casualty percentage?”
           “Uh, two. I think- Lydia sit down.”
           “Mhm. What's the injured percentage?”
           “Fifteen. Lydia, sit,” she says more sternly.
           “Mhm. And the children are safe?”
           “Lydia,” Dorian cuts me off, leaning forward off of the wall, and walking to me. He places his hand on my shoulder, gently. I look at him. “Sit,” he says quietly, his voice just above a whisper.
           I nod, and pull back the stool in front of me and sit. I sigh. Dorian rubs my back slowly and gently.
           “Dorian, is she alright,” Lizx asks, concern in her voice.
           “Just give her a minute.”
           Dorian keeps rubbing my back. I look at the map in front of me, finding Eiria, Ahren, then Freya and Suna. I stare at the Eastern Realm until I take a deep breath before speaking again.
           “Inara… I want to say I have an idea, but she could be anywhere.”
Dorian stops rubbing my back, as he leans back against the wall again. His eyes watch me closely as I talk.
           “I- I can help,” Fern says behind us as we all turn to her, including Kazumi.
She stands up.
           “I… I can find her.
She looks at me, determination sparkling in her eyes, covering up the lingering fear. I nod once, my eyes soft. Bring back our Inara, Fern…

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