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I've been leaving the house very often.

Mother has been keeping herself busy.

It been a little boring lately. We don't have to work. I have everything I could need but honestly, all I want is him. After my dream last night i've decided to stop denying my body. I dreamed of Xander. If him leaning in, taking my lips as his claiming me as his.

I like Xander. I like his deep voice. I like his sun kissed skin. I like the way he can be cold but caring at the same time. I really, really like him.

I'm going to fight for him. I don't care if he's a Royal, I don't care he has a wife. The universe chose him for me.

I debate this on my walk to a bar I saw the other day.

I wanted to relax. Maybe lose myself in a fruity smoothie. Get a change of scenery. Maybe learn some drink I want to try to make. It seemed like a fine idea until this creep thought it would be a great time to undress me with his eyes.

I make my way to the bathroom. I don't know weather I'm trying to escape the dark and moldy atmosphere of the bar, or his roaming eyes. After walking down the small hallway, I finally reach the bathroom. I reach for the handle, but right before I can touch it I get yanked back and pinned against the wall.

🎵-meddle about, chase Atlantic

The man looking at me inst ugly, but he defanatly isn't my type. He has black long hair, down the his shoulders, and a slender, pale face.

"Hey there mama" I wince at the alcohol I smell in his breath.

I turn my head away. He doesn't take notice of my rejection. His mouth leans in close to my lips.

I've never kissed anyone. Never had time to. I will not let my kiss be stolen by a nameless drunk man.

Before his dry lips can meet mine, he gets yanked off me so fast I don't have time to blind. My head turns so fast, I likely gave myself whiplash.

Xander is pummeling his fists into the drunks face. He's barely getting any pushback. He straddling the dudes waist. Absolutely destroying him.

He looks so hot right now.

Who knew the prince could get his hands dirty.

He could get hurt.

The thought sends un unformillair feeling through my stomach.

I stumble to pull Xander off.

The second he feels my hand. He submits. Letting me help him up with minimal effort.

He wipes a small drop of blood from his nose. Sweat beads on his forehead.

The man is lying still on the floor, no doubt unconscious.

His wide eyes snap to mine. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Did he hurt you?" His face emits worry.

The best I can do is nod.

He blows out a breath, and runs his hands through his hair.

I won't ask how he got there. I know it's probably due to the weird mind reading thing he does.

"Th-thank you for-uh- helping me."

"Yeah, yeah of course anytime."

"This is the second time you've come to my rescue. You're like my knight in shining armor." I joke

"I think all that shows is that you attract trouble. How did you ever survive without me?"

God. This is so awkward.

My won't he look me in the eyes? He's just staring at my lips for some reason. His expression in unreadable.

I need to tell him. I need to tell him how I feel.


I'm cut off by his lips meeting mine. Controlling and passionate.

After a second I collect my thoughts, close my eyes, and lean into this kiss.

His hand curls around my waist pulling me in closer.

His mouth commands mine.

I don't hear anything beyond our heavy breaths and pants.

His lips mold to fit mine perfectly.

This is everything I thought a kiss should be.

I wrap my arm around his neck, and pull him down.

The hand that isn't resting on my waist moves to cup my cheek. The gesture is so loving. Only something that should be shared between parters.

The sensations are overwhelming. I feel it everywhere. My stomach, my chest, and my knees, (which would have buckled if it weren't for Xander holding me up).

Everywhere his fingertips touch ignites a fire.

He abruptly pulls away. He tunes his body towards the wall. I'm unable to see his expression. All I can do is stand there bewildered.

Xander and I kissed.

We kissed. Inside of a hallway within a dirty bar.

"I shouldn't have done that." He announces.

My heart still hasn't calmed down. Can he hear it?

He faces me again. "You probably already know this, but I like you. I can't stop thinking about you. I can't focus on anything anymore. Whenever I'm with Eliza, I imagine it's you." For some reason, the thought of him spending time with another girl makes me bitter. "What I'm saying, is that this mating bond has taken over my mind, and it won't leave. No matter how hard I try."

My throat closes while hearing his confession.

"What do you expect me to say to that?!" I explode. "It would have been better to keep me in the dark! We can't be together! You know this! No matter how much each other, or how deep this bond is, it won't change the fact that you're a Montgomery. you're a royal." I exhale.

He shakes his head, like he won't accept this.

He places his hands on my shoulder. "I'm going to fight." He says. "I'm going to fight so fucking hard for you."

I shake my head condescendingly. He reminds me of a little boy who dreams of being famous. It won't ever happen.

"I want to meet you." He loos into my eyes, boldly. "I want to meet the girl who has consumed my thoughts since I met her."

I raise my eyebrows. "You have met me. I'm right here?"

"No. I want to KNOW you. I want to know everything about you."

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