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It took a while to let the fact sink in that I now lived in this magnificent home.

I had to ask Adam (I finally learned his name) how this could have happened, and why I'm here.

He said that prince Xander requested, I live here.

That doesn't make much sense.

He hates me. He made that exceptionally clear at the ball.

Perhaps it is to keep me quiet.

It's been two days, and I still haven't explored the entirety of the home.

Mother and I chose our bedrooms right next to each other. We need to stick together.

We have a few staff working here. I know of a cleaner, gardener, and two guards. I have no idea why we have guards. It is to keep others out? Or keep us in? I'm going with the latter. There's also no cook, but I'm totally fine with that, this area allows me more time to try out new recipes.

I spend most of my time in the library. I've always loved reading, but I could never afford any books, much less any of the ones I wanted.

🎵-softcore, the neighborhood

Right now, I'm reading a romance about a princess and her bodyguard.

Just when I'm getting to the good part, an emotion I can't place hits me like a hammer.

I can't focus on reading anymore. All I can feel are the feelings running wild through my core.

It almost feels like longing. I get mad at myself. I have everything I've wanted, I don't have to work, I'm safe, and mother and I have a roof over our heads. I shouldn't be wanting for anything.

The desire give me a headache. I shut my eyes tight, and wait for it to go away.

It flows in through my stomach, through my bones, slowly flooding my body in its warmth.

This experience is so foreign for me. I don't understand it.

After a few minutes it leaves, taking a part of me with it.

The next day, I awaken to Adam knocking on my door.

"Come in" I rasp, my voice still sleepy.

He enters "the prince is here to see you."

That wakes me up immediately. "Why?"

"He hasn't told me" Adam answers.

That's odd. Why would he want anything to do with me?

I sigh, and get dressed.

They've provided me with a few clothes, and they were all my size, too. I put on a floral yellow dress. I don't want to look like I'm trying hard to impress him, but at the same time, I don't want to dress down in front of him.

I move to open my door, but Xander is already standing behind it. His hand is outreached as if he were about to knock. He brings it down a second later.

"Come in." It's weird that I invite him in. He's the one who owns the place.

We strides in, and clears his throat. I sit on the bed.

"What is it you want?" I raise my eyebrows.

He goes to speak, but he closes his mouth before anything comes out. His face looks torn. Like he's in agony. "I don't know." He rasps.

"Alright then." I shrug. "Ill tell you what I want. Answers."

He raises his eyebrows, prompting me to continue. "For one, why am I here. How did I possibly get this privilege to live here?"

He inhales. "That's a hard question." I fight the urge to roll my eyes. No it isn't. "All I knew is that I couldn't let you live in poverty any longer."

Does he care? I mentally hit myself. of course he doesn't. I can't get my hopes up. This could all disappear with one word from him.

"How did you know where I live?" I ask.

"Oh, there's an easy one. I have the records for every person in Evershed."

"You looked into my records??" I squeal.

He shrugs, like it's no big deal.

That means he knows everything about me.

"I don't understand what I'm feeling," he begins. "All I know is that I had to see you. I physically could not bear to stay away. No matter how much I wanted to. It must be something with the mating bond, I'll make time to look into it more, find out about the side effects, so we can better regulate them."

The way he says "we" give me goosebumps. My body betrays me. I don't like him, he's cruel, rude, and indifferent.

He moves to leave, but he hesitates. He turns back and hands me a card. "Theres my number. call me if you need anything. Oh, also don't give it out to anyone. My privacy is important to me."

I accept the card and nod. There were complementary cell phones waiting for us when we got here.

When he leaves, I notice that he's gripping the handle of the door roughly. So much so that his hand has turned white.

Do I affect him?

Saved by destiny (a fated mates romance)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum