Part 2 Dead people stay Dead

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Elijah Pov 

We reached the location undetected and started making our move toward the entrance. I called the teams through the earpiece to check on their status. When they gave me a clear signal, I nodded at Theo. Theo opened the door slightly to study the movements and saw people moving around with guns. 

"The warehouse is massive. They set up traps everywhere. You'll need to stick together." Zara said in the earpiece. 

"Alright, Zee," I said 

"Twins, Xavi, Dean enter," I said, and we did the same. 

The minute we entered the warehouse, we started shooting and fighting people. More people were coming in, and we were killing them all. I saw some of my men get hurt, but they were still fighting. I told Cain, the team leader, to charge so Theo and I could find Franco. 

While on the chase, I called into the earpiece. "You'll be good." 

I got a unison "Yes." 

"Zara and Rach, I need him to find Franco," I said 

"On it!" Rach replied 

"Alright, got him. He is hiding at the end of the warehouse's last room in the corner. It would be best for you to be careful, guys. I see a lot of movements there." Zara said 

"Okay, got it," Theo said 

"We are at the end of the warehouse, I think, Zara. It's all dark here." I said in the earpiece, and that's when I felt someone punch me in the dark.

"What the hell?" I said, and then I felt Theo was pushed towards me, and the both of us fell to the ground. 

"Zara, I need you to tell us how many people we are fighting her now." I sneered 

"Around 10 People," Rachel said 

"No Shit," Theo said 

"Rachel & Zara, we will need you to guide us through now," I said 

"Ok," She replied 

"Theo, a man is coming towards from your left," Zara said, and that's when Rachel said, "Luca, you twele." 

We fought everyone with their direction, but there was still one left. I could feel it. I could feel that person behind me, so I swung at him but was greeted with air. Theo must have felt that, too. 

"Did you feel it as well?" He questioned 

"Yes," I replied 

"Hello, Theo." We heard a male voice, and we instantly knew who it was.

"Hiding in the dark, I see Franco," I said 

"Such a backstabbing pussy you are, Franco," Theo said with anger lacing his voice.

"Now, is that how you speak with your Uncle." He snickered 

"Uncle? Let's not bullshit each other, Franco." Theo yelled 

"This is not how I expected when reuniting with my only left family, Theo." He said with a sickly sad voice. 

"Family reunion, hiding in the dark with someone protecting you. U call this a family reunion. You sure are sick in the head, Franco," I said, laughing.

"Lucifer, I know you. Man that lives in the shadows. The devil himself." He said 

"How are you?" Lucifer, I wish we met under different circumstances; I would have loved meeting you." He said 

"Oh, Franco, there is no way in hell you would have made it. How's your daughter Amanda, is it?" I said 

"Oh, you know her identity." He asked shocked 

"From the very beginning, Franco. From the very beginning." I said, smirking even though he couldn't see me. 

"Luca, to your right," Zara said in the earpiece, and I swung my leg towards that person, and that's when I heard her voice. 

"Amanda," I said, not shocked by her presence, and when she charged at me, we kept fighting, and at some point, I lost my earpiece. Now, I can only rely on my senses. I closed my eyes and tried to hear any noise, and then I heard her footsteps behind me. I caught her hand mid-air and, twisted her hand behind, and made her kneel on the floor. 

"Franco, I suggest you come out of your hiding spot before I rip your dear daughter's neck. Maybe say your last words to her before she joins you and the rest of your family." I said cunningly 

"Nah! She disappointed me enough. I don't mind you killing her." He said I know he is somewhere much closer to me and Theo. 

"Well, if that's the case, I may have fun killing her slowly. I can skin her alive,  maybe make minor cuts all over her body and let her bleed to death or "Even before Theo could continue what he was going to say, I turned around just in time for Franco to stab. 

The lights were on now and we could see everything. Everyone was here and looking at the situation in front of them. Franco was kneeling on the ground with Amanda's body in his lap. 

"Or I can let you Kill her" Theo finished his earlier sentence. With that Franco, he looked at Theo with pure hatred. 

"I will kill you," He said and got up from his position with the same knife he stabbed Amanda. 

"Aww, Franco, you are hurt. Was she important? you said she disappointed you." Theo said again. 

"You want to know how I killed your parents or how I am going to kill your dear Amara?" He said looking at me now. 

I lost my senses; all I could see was red. No one, I mean no one, will threaten my Amara and get away with it. All this time, I was controlling myself. I wanted Theo to have his revenge for killing his parents and separating him from his sister all these years. But this man had the guts to threaten me. I had him in the air with one swing motion, cutting his air supply. When I saw him losing consciousness, I threw him on the floor and hovered over him. 

"You dare to threaten my world, Franco. I am no Leonardo Knight Franco I am Lucifer. I will not kill every single thing on this planet that will threaten me. I would let Theo have fun and revenge, but you chose the wrong opponent by threatening Amara. You do have a death wish, don't you, Franco? Old Little Weak Franco." I said, getting up from him, and Xavier walked up to me with a gun in his hand. I pointed it at Franco, who had a terrified look on his face. 

"Franco, remember Dead People Stay Dead," I said, shooting him straight in his head. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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