Chapter 10

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Tara paced back and forth the full length of her porch while wringing her hands. Dennis' argument with Dominic was so severe. She hadn't expected such a violent reaction from her brother when she told him she loved Dominic and he asked her to marry him. She didn't understand. Dennis' desire for her happiness over the years was a sincere desire, so why would he be so against it?

She wrestled with her thoughts. His concern that she didn't know much about Dominic had a ring of truth to it. She'd never even been to his home. In fact, she really hadn't been anywhere with him except her home and that one drive to the hospital when Brandon was injured, but it didn't matter. She loved him, and she just knew they were meant to be together. Not everyone courted the same way. Hadn't he heard of love at first sight? His paranoia was unfounded. He had to get used to it. He had to.

Maggie's figure making her way up the drive caught her attention and she raced down the stairs to greet her. Maggie listened intently, without interruption, as Tara breathlessly told of the events the night before.

"It was just awful Maggie," Tara wheezed the words as she struggled to catch her breath. "The two were circling each other. Literally circling each other! I couldn't believe it. Dennis was so set on Dominic leaving and never coming back. And Dominic... Oh Maggie, he looked so mean. I've never seen him look so angry and mean before. His beautiful brown eyes were dark and sinister looking. It scared me a little! He stormed out of the house without a glance in my direction! I argued with Dennis that he should be happy for me. I love Dominic. I feel like we're bonded in a way. Can you understand? Can you?"

"Yes lass. I understand more than ya realize," Maggie clicked out as she moved past Tara to sit on the porch chair she favored whenever she visited. The early morning walk took the little bit of strength she had left. "Fetch me a cup of tea, will ya? I'm a bit feeble this morning."

Focusing on preparing tea helped Tara calm down. When she returned with the beverage, Maggie sipped it gratefully while watching Tara over the brim of the cup.

"He left here for a walk last night. He was so angry," Tara moaned. "He hasn't come back. That's not like him. I mean, he's left before when we've argued but he's always returned after a few hours. He likes to walk and think. It clears his mind."

"Are ya talking about Dennis or Dominic, lass?" Maggie asked quietly. She knew it was Dennis, but decided to keep his whereabouts to herself while she sized up the situation.

"Oh, sorry," Tara apologized. "Dennis. I'm talking about Dennis. He must be really angry not to come back all night. I wonder where he stayed. It was pretty chilly last night so he couldn't have camped out anywhere. His car is still here."

"Not to worry lass. He's fine wherever he is. Now, tell me about this Dominic fella. Why did he get so mad at Dennis? Didn't he expect to have some trouble with the family? He's pretty new and all," Maggie said as she set her cup down on the table and stretched her legs in front of her.

They talked for almost three hours while Maggie pumped Tara for as much information as she could get. Tara answered freely. By the time they finished Maggie had drawn a pretty clear picture of what had happened to Dennis while on his way through the woods. This Dominic was bad news. He had to be stopped. Maggie silently prayed that the spell she cast would be effective.

Morning turned into afternoon before Maggie rose to leave. She stopped half way down the porch steps to observe the large white taxi pulling up the drive. The electricity in the air from an oncoming storm energized the mare more than normal and she seized the opportunity to squeal her challenge to the vehicle for a race. Maggie smiled. She found that horse to be a genuine delight.

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