Chapter 8

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I barely had the chance to finish my sentence because his bike jolted to a start. And soon enough we were racing down the smooth roads. My arms were wrapped around his waist with my pale fingers lacing together. He drove his motorcycle with such ease. He made it seem so easy. His eyes glistened with joy at the fact that we were going 94 miles per hour passing cars like there was no tomorrow made me melt into the seat. God, why did he have to be straight?

I was rather curious about where he was taking me. I mean the way his mood changed from utter fury to smooth and collective in under 40 seconds made me wonder if he was a psychopath. But who cares, I'm here on a motorcycle-


I'm on a motorcycle, with a guy I barely know who just might be a psychopath, going who knows where are 90 miles per hour. What in the hell was I thinking. My arms slightly tightened but I loosened them a moment later. Perhaps I'm just overthinking as usual. "Close your eyes!" I heard him yell over the roar of his bike. "But-", "No buts! Close 'em!", he shouted. I guess there was no choice. I squeezed them shut preparing for what I had ahead of me.

A minute or two passed by before I felt the bike draw to a stop. Not soon after the feeling of two arms lifting me off the bike and setting me down completely befuddled me. I stumbled a bit before catching my balance.

"Okay, you can open your eyes if ya want." I heard a husky voice softy state. I slowly opened them and what was revealed completely baffled me. I looked around, slowly turning in a circle as I scanned each and every figment of this magical place.

"I know it ain't much, but I figured it would be good enough to cheer ya up. I've only been here a week or maybe half a week, but I came across this place and I don't know. Just, I just...I don't know. Thought you would like it." I heard his shoe quietly kick the floor. What was in front of me had me beyond speechless.

It was a forest, but not any forest this place Each and every leaf, each and every tree had a story that'd keep you on the edge of your seat. They were all so magnificent. Tall, strong and it even had this flawless color that made you think this was a painting. There was a sparkling lake next to the incredible wildlife, it was so clear you could see each and every marine animal living their life. The sun radiated this soft glow of a mixture of yellow and orange. The reflection of each and every tree fell upon this lake. This oh so still lake. But the thing that was the most captivating, was the fountain.

It sat there, perfectly unharmed. There was clear water, that I assumed was from the lake, flowing from the top and onto the lower layers. A coin glistened here and there from under the water. And there was Dean, just sitting there on a marble bench, staring at, what I assumed, my awestruck face with a smile brighter than the sun.

Is this Heaven?

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