A tradition

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Well , guess what , today is the most expected day in the history of Singhania's , why not my brother is getting married afterall.

It's evening time , my mom ordered that every corner of the mansion should be decorated in a extinquish manner , so there is a lot of people here and there , wedding planners , catering services and etc etc.

The good point is all of them work at Singhania corportion , there my family did score a point.

After a lot of session and discussion , we came to this conclusion , we further simplified the marrige.

Mehendi , sangeet and haldi takes place at our mansion today and we have planned the actual wedding in a temple tommorow.

Right then the bride's mother and the groom's mother made their entry , discussing something deeply.

The Rastogi's came here this morning and I still didn't meet my sister-in-law as she was getting ready.

Once they reached the place where I was standing , they exchanged looks , more like a silent conversation.

"Any problems mom ? " I voiced my concern.

My mom shaked her head smiling.

" No Armaan , nothing to worry , it's just they have got a tradition which is a bit inconvenient for now." she said .

A tradition..

For my mom to say inconvenient , it must be some problematic thing then , but we can't entirely ignore their culture as well , what to do?

The wheels in my brain was turning , when  I heared him , yeah , my brother.

" Hello aunty." he greeted first and then stated.

" Let's do it according to their tradition mom , it's a marriage for us anyway."

The marriage is not even done yet , and here my brother is a goner already , completely whipped.

Mom was still in her thoughts , and that made me wonder what that tradition might be.

"So , aunty , what exactly is the tradition ?"

" Oh , It's a simple tradition, Armaan , in which we will cover the bride's face with a veil , starting from mehendhi till the time when the groom will apply sindoor." she said

Now I understand my mom's confusion , for some covering bride's face may seem like an insult , but if it's thier tradition then we should value it I guess.

" It's okay , we can explain it's a tradition mom , can't we?" My brother questioned.

" Well , I don't think all will understand."

My mom is thinking as a Singhania and brother is acting as a Rastogi husband , Wow.

While my mom was still thinking , he motioned to me using his eyes , what? he can't expect me to solve this , right?

Utterly wrong , he wants me to solve this , so much to be his brother , I will collect my charge later , for now handling mom is important.

" Leave that to me mom , anyone who questions , I will make them understand."

" And him doing this being a Singhania , it will not comeoff as an insult."

My brother chimmed in supporting my decision , actually his decision.

" Then you brothers handle that." My mom agreed.

Instantly Aunty smiled in relieve , and they both went to overlook the other arrangements.

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