Chapter 9: Through Viridian Forest

Start from the beginning

After that Ash let Pidgeotto out of his ball, who quickly made friends with Ria and Ash's friendly pokemon. At that time a pokemon was watching the gang while hiding behind a nearby tree. Lucas and Lucario noticed its slight movement and turned around. "Car!" Lucario yelled, pointing out the pokemon and racing after the now fleeing creature. "Lucario, slow down!" Lucas yelled after his pokemon, hurrying to keep up as they arrived at a more open area, perfect for a battle. "A... Wimpod?" Lucas questioned, confused as he saw the normally cowardly Alolan pokemon standing across from him in what appeared to be a battle stance. "You want to battle?" Lucas asked, surprised. "Wim. Wimpod!" Wimpod yelled back, eyes holding a surprising competitive gleam for a supposedly cowardly pokemon. "Brave, and you look strong. I like that," Lucas admitted with a smirk as Wimpod seemed to smirk at the praise, "Ready, Lucario?" "Car," Lucario replied with a nod, gazing across at Wimpod, ready to battle.

"Alright Lucario, use Aura Sphere!" Lucas ordered, Lucario roaring in agreement as it hit formed the orb of aura between its hands before sending it flying, heading for Wimpod, who dodged around it, heading for Lucario surprisingly quickly. Many pokemon along with Ash, Ria and Misty had now arrived to watch. "It's fast," Lucas admitted, pleased, as Wimpod glowed green, showing it was going to use a move, "Alright, block it with your aura." Lucario swiped his paw through the air, forming an aura wave which struck Wimpod in the chest, sending the bug type pokemon flying back. "Wimmm!" Wimpod yelled in pain as it landed on the ground. "Woah..." Misty murmured, surprised. "It blocked using just its aura?" Ria questioned, shocked. "Bro's Lucario has complete control of its aura. Blocking attacks with it is something those two have been training to do for months," Ash explained. Wimpod flipped back onto its feet, glaring competitively at Lucario. "It's tough. This should be fun," Lucas admitted with a smile, Lucario growling in agreement "Wim–POD!" Wimpod yelled, glowing blue as it began to evolve, gaining long legs and arms as it stood strong and proud, pincers sticking out of its chest, "Golisopod."

"It evolved!" Ash yelled from the side, shocked, "But what is it? I've never seen that pokemon before." "Golisopod. A Bug and Water type," Ria replied as Misty shivered at the mention of bugs, "But they're native to Alola. What's one doing in Kanto?" "I don't know, but it's tough," Lucas said with a smirk as Lucario howled in agreement, excited, "Let's give it all we've got, Lucario. Use Aura Sphere!" "Car!" Lucario replied, forming the blue orb once again before sending it at the now evolved Wimpod, who didn't even try to dodge, simply raising its arms and holding them together to form a shield, smashing apart the sphere with only a few scratches being left. "It blocked it!" Ash yelled, shocked. "That's one tough pokemon," Ria added, looking impressed as Misty nodded in reluctant agreement, not wanting to praise any bug type pokemon. Golisopod then seemed to pull a sword made of water from its hip, racing straight at Lucario with a hissing roar. "Liquidation. Dodge it Lucario, slide under!" Lucas ordered as Lucario did so, sliding under the larger pokemon, "Perfect. It can't block us now. Use Power-Up Punch!" "Car!" Lucario yelled in agreement, the energy-covered fist smashing straight into Golisopod's gut, sending the pokemon flying into a nearby tree before it got up, eyes flaring red for a moment in anger, body covered in minor scratches. Golisopod then simply walked over, stopping in front of Lucas, pointing a pincer at one of his pokeballs. "You want me to catch you?" Lucas asked, surprised, as Golisopod nodded in reply, eyes gleaming in a way that spoke of a desire to get stronger, "Alright, but our training isn't easy." "Car, Lucario," Lucario added in agreement as it walked over to Golisopod. "Golisa, Golisopod," Golisopod replied, doubling down on its decision as it grabbed a pokeball, catching itself. "Alright, welcome to the team, Golisopod," Lucas told the bug-water type with a smile after releasing it, "But you can't run away from a battle. Not ever again." "Golisa," Golispod replied, nodding in agreement, offering a two clawed 'hand' for a shake, which Lucas, and then Lucario accepted. "Good job, big bro!" Ash cheered as the group came over, Pikachu and Eevee greeting Golisopod while Ash and Ria congratulated Lucas on the catch. Golisopod easily became a part of the group, though Misty was obviously wary around the large bug. "Looks like we'll need to rest here tonight," Lucas decided, seeing that the sun was beginning to set. "Right," Ash agreed as the others began to set up their tents in the large clearing. "Don't forget to spray repels on your tent, Ash," Lucas reminded his brother as he slid into his tent

Red lights can be seen in the forest surrounding the clearing, looking like the eyes of ferocious monsters. Loud buzzing can also be heard throughout the forest. Due to the buzzing sound Lucas woke up, coming out of his tent to see the red lights glaring at the tents. "Oh no. We're surrounded by wild pokemon," Lucas realised, silently moving to the next tent to wake Ria. "What happened?" The girl asked sleepily as she got up. Lucas explained the situation and both agreed they needed to leave immediately. A large swarm of wild pokemon like this could easily kill them. "Ria, please wake everyone up," Lucas requested, trying to think of a plan to escape. "Why did they surround us?" Misty asked after Ria finished waking her and Ash and explained the situation, Lucario glaring around at the red eyes, ready to attack at a moment's notice. "Ash, didn't you spray a repel?" Lucas asked his brother. "I kinda... forgot," Ash admitted sheepishly. Everyone turned to glare at Ash upon hearing that. "Idiot! Of course they'd surround us without any repels!" Misty yelled, furious. Repels contained a special chemical which pokemon greatly disliked, keeping them away from campsites. This was why trainers could sleep safely in the wilderness. "Any ideas?" Ria asked Lucas hopefully as the buzzing increased. "Get ready, they're coming near. We'll have to battle our way out," Lucas replied. "What about our things?" Ash asked. "No time," Lucas replied simply as everyone rushed to grab their backpacks, stuffing everything they could find into them. "Buzz," The Beedrill swarm hissed as they fully revealed themselves, entering the clearing. "Cario." "Pika." "Eevee." The gang's pokemon are carefully watching the swarm, ready to attack.

"Buzz. Buzz," The Beedrill hissed, moving around to block the gang in from all sides. There were more than a hundred Beedrills from what Lucas could see as he released Golisopod. Misty was shaking at the sight of so many Bug types. "Why do they want to attack us?" Ash asked, confused. "Because Beedrill are highly territorial. And if you attack one of them, the entire swarm will come after the one who did it," Ria explained after checking her pokedex before glaring as she saw Misty and Ash share a guilty look, "What... did you two do?"

Earlier That Day...

Misty had gone to collect berries for the group's dinner as they were fresher than the ones bought at any store. Misty checked one tree, which had her favourite berry hanging from a branch. Reaching out to pick it she was shocked when it was suddenly snatched from her grasp. "Ahh! Bug pokemon!" Misty yelled, seeing Beedrill. "Buzz," Beedrill hissed in reply, glaring at the intruder. "Get away!" Misty yelled, backtracking away from the approaching Beedrill." "Pikachu, use Quick Attack!" Ash yelled, having arrived when they heard Misty's shouting. "Pikaa!" Pikachu yelled, smashing into Beedrill with the move. "Buzz," Beedrill hissed as it took the hit, looking intently at Ash and Misty before leaving deeper into the forest.

Current Time...

Ash and Misty gulped under the furious glares Ria and Lucas were sending them as they finished explaining the Beedrill encounter. "Idiots! No wonder this horde is attacking us!" Ria yelled at the pair, furious. "We need to open a gap in the Beedrill so we can run. Have all our pokemon attack in the same direction," Lucas ordered, the others nodding in agreement. "Alright, that way!" Ash yelled, pointing in the direction with the least Beedrill. "No, you moron! That will lead us deeper into the woods! With even more Beedrill!" Misty clarified for Ash, mad, as Ash nodded sheepishly in understanding. "She's right, we go that way. It's the quickest route to Pewter City," Lucas agreed, pointing in the opposite direction, "On three. One... two... three! Lucario, Power-Up Punch, Golispod, Liquidation!" "Eevee, use Shadow Ball!" Ria ordered her attack. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Ash added. "Starmie, use Bubble Beam!" Misty yelled, the attacks all hitting the Beedrill horde, forming a gap. "Now run!" Lucas yelled to the group racing through the open gap, Beedrill right on their tails, "Lucario, slow them down with Aura Sphere!" "Lucario!" Lucario yelled back, slowing down as it formed a blue sphere of aura, throwing at the charging Beedrill, throwing them back as they buzzed furiously. "That won't stop them for long. Let's go!" Lucas yelled, the group continuing through the forest without a break even after the buzzing had completely vanished, silenced by the distance between them and the Beedrill. "Look!" Ash panted after a few hours of running, pointing up to a large sign, "We made it... Pewter City!" "We're saved!" Misty cheered, glad to have escaped. "Yeah, now let's find the Pokemon Centre and actually get some sleep," Lucas recommended, glaring at Ash and Misty, "We have a big day tomorrow." "Yeah, my first Gym Battle!" Ash cheered before gulping under the furious glare of his brother, "I mean... our first gym battles." "Good save," Ria muttered, still angry at him and Misty for the Beedrill as the group headed to the Pokemon Centre to check in.

"Our first Gym Battle," Lucas murmured to himself as he collapsed onto the Pokemon Centre's bed, exhausted from the journey. "I can't wait," Ash cheered in the next room, unable to sleep from the excitement. 

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