Chapter 2: The Egg And Lucas' Starter

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Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding! As the alarm clock rang the noise woke Lucas in his bedroom, who shook off the bed covers before turning off the alarm. Checking the time he saw that the time was 7 O'Clock, just as he had set the clock. He needed to get to the Professor's lab.

Ring-Ring-Ring. Turning around, Professor Oak saw that his pokedex was ringing, a device that was able to gather data on any pokemon the trainer caught. "Hello, Professor Oak," Oak said as he answered the call, moving the video onto a larger screen. "Hello Professor, a pleasure to speak with you again. I require your help," The man on the other side replied. "Professor Rowan, of course, what can I do for you?" Oak asked the top Professor of the Sinnoh Region. "Professor, I'm sending you a pokemon egg I have been looking after for the past nine years. All our scans show it is a healthy egg and should have hatched by now, yet it is showing no signs of movement, let alone hatching. I was hoping you could take a look at it," Rowan explained. "Of course, I'd be happy to check for any problems," Oak replied, going over to his transfer machine, which deposited the egg from Rowan's lab in front of him. "So Professor, have you found the problem?" Rowan asked after allowing Oak to examine the egg for a few minutes. "Is this a Riolu egg from the Lucario Kingdom?" Oak asked in reply, getting a nod from Rowan, "Then my guess would be Riolu is waiting for its aura bonded partner." "A pity. I suppose we'll just have to wait then," Rowan replied as Oak nodded in agreement "Hello Professor," Lucas greeted as he walked in, "Oh, sorry Professor, I didn't realise you were on a call." "Quite alright my boy. Lucas, this is Professor Rowan of Sinnoh," Oak introduced, pointing to the man on screen, "I'm examining a Riolu egg for him." "A Riolu egg?" Lucas asked excitedly, earning a chuckle from Oak and Rowan as both nodded in reply. The egg began to glow, floating over to Lucas. "Remarkable," Rowan murmured, surprised, "Professor, it seems we've found Riolu's partner." Indeed," Oak agreed, "It appears Silver and the egg are on the same wavelength." "Excellent, it seems I shall be leaving the egg in your care, young man," Rowan said with a smile, "Please take good care of Riolu." Saying this, the Professor of Sinnoh ended the call with a final thank you to Professor Oak.

"Impressive Lucas. Having the same wavelength has many advantages." Oak assured the boy. "I know Professor," Lucas told the elderly man as he began to explain the many advantages of the pair's shared wavelength. "Woah, a pokemon egg!" Ash exclaimed as he and Gary entered the room, "What kind of egg is it, Garry?" "How would I know?" Gary replied, quick to respond. "It's a Riolu," Lucas explained as Ash picked up the egg, hugging it tightly, "A fighting type pokemon native to Sinnoh and the Lucario Kingdom." "Cool! Professor, is this egg my starter Pokemon?" Ash asked excitedly. "I'm afraid-" Oak started, only to be cut off as the egg glowed blue, flying out of Ash's hands and knocking him into the wall. "Ahahaha! You can't even hold onto an egg!" Gary laughed arrogantly upon seeing this, grabbing the egg quickly, "Since I grabbed the egg, it's my pokemon." "Gary," Professor Oak replied warningly as Lucas stepped forward. "It's okay, Professor. If you two want the egg so badly, let's settle this another way. How about a battle?" Lucas offered confidently. "Alright!" Ash agreed confidently, "Since you've taught me all about type advantages I'll be sure to win." "Really? Idiot, he doesn't even know what type Lucas' pokemon will be," Gary thought to himself, predicting Lucas' victory as the group walked outside. "Should we stop them, gramps?" Gary asked as the pair prepared. "I don't think so. I'm curious to see what they've learned, battling on my ranch," Oak replied, "And I'll hopefully see what you've learned soon enough."

"Professor? Would you mind acting as referee?" Lucas asked as Oak nodded in acceptance, stepping forward. "I choose you Charizard!" Ash yelled as the Charizard on the ranch flew over. "Alright, go time Rhyhorn!" Lucas told one of the ranch's rock type pokemon as it jumped forward, claws digging into the ground. "Since the contestants are ready, let the Pokemon battle begin!" Oak declared. "Charizard, use flamethrower!" Ash ordered, hoping to one shot his brother's pokemon before it could make a move. Unfortunately, Ash failed to consider something, and Charizard simply ignored him, falling asleep. "Hey, hey! Listen to me Charizard! Get up and finish the battle with flamethrower!" Ash yelled, not understanding why Charizard was ignoring him. It always listened to him when Ash was feeding him. "Hahaha, Ash! Even if you've learned about type advantages, you've forgotten that powerful pokemon like Charizard don't listen to newbie trainers!" Gary explained with a mocking laugh, "That's why your brother went with Rhyhorn, since Rhyhorn is still young it will listen to him." Rhyhorn roared in agreement, looking over at Charizard in annoyance, wanting to battle. "What? I never knew that," Ash replied in disbelief, causing Gary and the Professor to sweat drop as Lucas looked up at the sky, silently asking for more patience. "Ash, choose another pokemon since you didn't know about this," Oak said after he had recovered, giving the boy another chance. "Alright, I choose you Charmander!" Ash said as Charmander jumped over, eager to battle while Charizard lazily walked away.

"Let the match begin!" Oak declared, finally starting the battle. "Let's start strong Charmander. Use Ember!" Ash ordered. "Dodge it!" Lucas yelled, Rhyhorn quickly jumping out of the way, "Now, use Rock Throw!" "Rhy!" Rhyhorn yelled in agreement, rocks forming around it and flying at Charmander. "Dodge those rocks, Charmander!" Ash yelled quickly as Charmander struggled to dodge through every rock, getting struck by a pair, causing it to yell out in pain, "Oh no! You okay, Charmander?" "Char," Charmander replied as it shakily stood up. "Use Horn Attack," Lucas ordered simply, Rhyhorn charging forward with its horn glowing white. "Dodge it!" Ash yelled frantically, Charmander jumping out of the way of the attack, "Now, tackle!" "Rhy," Rhyhorn groaned in slight pain and annoyance as Charmander hit his side. "Grab it Rhyhorn, then use Bite," Lucas told his pokemon calmly, who quickly wrenched Charmander around by biting on its arm before throwing it across the field. Charmander crashed into the ground with swirls in its eyes, unconscious. "Charmander is unable to continue! Therefore, the winner is Lucas and Rhyhorn!" Oak declared, raising his hand. 

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