Chapter 8: Viridian City And Team Rocket

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Ria and Ash continued to race down Route 1, trying to catch up with Lucas who was probably already at Viridian City. However, when they arrived at the entrance to the City they were stopped by a police officer who introduced herself as Officer Jenny. "Hold it!" The officer ordered as they entered the city, "And who are you two?" "We're new trainers ma'am. We just left Pallet and started our journey," Ria replied, confused. "Alright, ID please," Officer Jenny asked, holding out her hand for their pokedexes, which proved their identities, "Sorry about that, but there have been multiple pokemon robberies occurring throughout the city recently and we can't trust anyone." "Got it Officer Jenny. Also, did you see anyone come through around our age with silver hair? He's my twin brother," Ash asked. "Yes, he came through just ten minutes ago, asking for the Pokemon Centre. Just go down the road and take a right and you should find the centre. I expect he's still there," Officer Jenny replied. "Thanks Officer," Ash and Ria replied as the woman left before the pair headed to the centre. After entering the centre the pair saw many trainers were there for a check-up on their pokemon's health, or to find a room to stay in. Pokemon Centres after all provided free healing and accommodation to trainers. Though the facilities are basic, most trainers still use them as it means they only have to worry about food and shelter while out in the wild, which they can buy with money earned from Gym Battles, Tournaments or battling other trainers.

"Lucas!" Ash yelled, spotting his brother as he and Ria ran over, "How's Lucario?" "He'll be fine. Nurse Joy's checking him over now," Lucas replied, sighing in relief as the bell rang for him to collect his pokemon. "Lucas Ketchum? I'm glad to say Lucario is back to perfect health," Nurse Joy informed him, her Chansey standing behind her as Lucario ran up to Lucas, clearly pleased. "Glad to see you're alright Lucario," Lucas said, smiling as Lucario started doing a few exercises to show he was back to full strength, "Alright, calm down. We don't want you right back on a hospital bed, do we?" "Car," Lucario replied, shaking his head, offering a fist bump which Lucas accepted. "Thank you very much Nurse Joy," Lucas replied gratefully, Lucario giving her a nod as well out of gratitude, "Does the Pokemon Centre have any free rooms for my friends and I?" Lucas knew that if they did not, the trio would have to camp out again. They couldn't afford a hotel room. "Yes, you're just in time. There are a few rooms left," Nurse Joy informed the trio, handing over a set of room keys to each of them. "Thanks Nurse Joy," The trio replied thankfully. "YOU!" The trio turned at the enraged yell, seeing a girl running over to them with orange hair, glaring at Ash, "Where's my bike!? You can't just steal my bike and take off like that!" "Uhh," Ash replied sheepishly, not having an answer. "He crashed it," Ria told the girl bluntly, causing smoke to come out of her ears as she tore into Ash. "Okay, can you please calm down? You're disturbing everyone else in the Centre," Lucas told the girl, who slowly calmed down, "Look, I'm sure my brother can find a way to pay for a new bike for you. Then you can go your separate ways and forget about this." "Good idea. Alright kid, I'll be travelling with you until you pay to replace my bike," The girl told Ash darkly, who gulped, nodding his agreement, "My name's Misty by the way." "Uh... nice to meet you?" Ash offered hesitantly, earning a scathing glare from the girl as she walked over to the main counter, ignoring the trio, who soon went to their rooms.

The alarms in the Pokemon Centre suddenly went off around midnight after the trio had called Professor Oak to let him know they had arrived in Viridian. "Your attention please, your attention please. Viridian City radars have detected aircraft belonging to Pokemon thieves. Please be cautious as they are known to be dangerous." As if on cue, two Pokeballs dropped through the glass roof. "Koffing/Ekans," The two pokemon said as they looked around the centre. "What the?!" Ash questioned, shocked as Lucas glared up at the roof.

"Don't be frightened little boy," A female voice said from inside the smokescreen Koffing had released on the roof. "Allow us to introduce ourselves," A male voice added. "To protect the world from devastation..." "To unite all people within our nation..." "To denounce the evils of truth and love..." "To extend our reach to the stars above..." "Jessie!" "James!" "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light..." "Surrender now or prepare to fight..." "MEOWTH THAT'S RIGHT!" A talking Meowth finished off the motto. "What's happening here?" Nurse Joy demanded as she ran out. "We are here to take the pokemon," The male, James replied with a smirk. "Well why didn't you say so," Lucas replied with a straight face, "Nurse Joy, it seems they've left without their injured pokemon and want to get them back. Though for some reason they feel they need to break in to get them." Ria and Ash snickered while the woman glared furiously down at him. "THAT'S NOT IT, YOU LITTLE BRAT!" The woman, Jessie roared, "WE ARE HERE TO STEAL THE POKEMON!" "Why would you want to steal your own pokemon?" Lucas asked with a straight face, trying to sound genuinely confused as Ash, Pikachu and Ria clutched each other to stay standing due to laughing so much. Lucario was also clearly amused, chuckling slightly. "BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT OURS!" Jessie yelled back, losing her temper. "Well why didn't you just say so? Why waste so much time talking about rockets making love to the stars above or whatever garbage you were saying," Lucas replied as Pikachu, Ash and Ria fell over from laughing too hard while Jessie was turning red with rage. ""WHY YOU LITTLE-" Jessie roared, pissed, "NO ONE MOCKS OUR MOTTO AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!" "Calm down Jessie, he doesn't know who he's talking to," James replied, sniffing his rose. "You two idiots should stop wasting time and get those rare and valuable pokemon," Meowth replied, pointing at Lucario, "That one looks particularly unique." "You're right," Jessie admitted, "Ekans, Koffing attack!" "Lucario, use Aura Sphere!" Lucas ordered, Lucario forming the blue sphere in his hands, sending it straight at Ekans and Koffing, sending them flying into their trainers. "Pikachu, use Thunderbolt, full power!" Ash yelled, having finished laughing as Pikachu obeyed, the blast sending the idiotic trio flying. "TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTING OFF!" Jessie, James and Meowth yelled, vanishing from sight. Ash and Lucas then faced an interrogation from Officer Jenny before going to sleep.

The gang woke up and all took quick showers before Ash raced off to find the Viridian City Gym, ignoring Lucas and Ria's calls to slow down. The Pokemon Gym is a five story building. The Gym is run by a Gym Leader who is recognised as one of the Eight Pillars of the Kanto League. The Pokemon League essentially acts as the region's government, with the Champion ruling with his Elite Four and Gym Leaders to help and advise. Gym Leaders also acted as the first line of defence in the region against rogue Legendaries and other dangerous pokemon along with preventing crime in their cities. Gym Leaders also have the duty of training the next generation of rookie trainers with gym battles, which is why they rarely used their ace teams in gym battles, not wanting to simply crush new trainers, but instead help them learn. "Here we are. My first Gym Battle. I'm going to win the Badge from you!" Ash declared as he skidded to a stop in front of the Gym. "Pikaa," Pikachu agreed, looking excited for the battle. "Ash, hold up!" Lucas yelled as he, Ria and Misty caught up, the girls panting for breath, "You can't challenge this gym." "Why not?" Ash asked, confused. Lucas simply pulled out his pokedex, and searched for information on the Viridian Gym. "Look, you can only challenge the Viridian Gym when you have at least four badges, Ash," Lucas explained. "Also, the Viridian Gym Leader is a ground type expert. Ground type pokemon have a natural advantage over electric types like Pikachu," Ria added. "What?! You have to have four badges to challenge this gym?" Ash repeated, looking angry and very disappointed. "Don't worry Ash, we can challenge the Pewter City Gym in the next town over," Lucas assured his brother. "Plus it will give you more time to train for your next battle," Misty added, "And if you win, that money can go towards buying my new bike!" "R-right," Ash agreed, looking at Misty nervously, "So, where can we train, bro?" "Viridian Forest," Lucas replied, "It will take us straight to Pewter City. There's a gym there, and there are a lot of Pokemon in the forest we can catch, Ash." "Alright! I'll catch plenty of pokemon!" Ash agreed confidently, regaining his happiness as the group entered the forest, ready to continue their journey to Pewter.

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