Chapter Twelve

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E X P E C T  T H E

C H A P T E R  T W E L V E

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[ S C A R L E T T ]

It was just a little past five-o'clock when Aiden and I—though it was mostly Aiden's idea—decided that forty-five minutes of algebra was enough for today. Typically I would double our session time, but the exasperated expression Aiden held today told me he wasn't up for much learning. And, sure—it's not like every other time he comes for tutoring he has a pencil ready in his hand with an eagerness to learn, but I could tell how genuinely drained he was from what happened earlier. I also wasn't sure if he was able to properly read the work I laid out before him due to his brand new black eye.

As soon as I stepped outside the warm shop I mentally thanked my mother for allowing me to drive her car for the day. Today turned out to be a slightly colder day than usual, with a gloomy sky hanging over us as if the weather was trying to tell us that we're not going to escape from the post-winter showers just yet. I clutched my binder and textbook tightly against my chest as a gust of cool breeze flew past me, mentally scolding myself for styling in only a flowy dress and a light cardigan today.

I bid Aiden goodbye as I make my way to the car. He nods his head in acknowledgement, stuffing one of his hands in the pocket of his black jeans and while the other clutches his binder. I expected him to drive away in one of the many cars lined along the street, however, he only walks past them all. I watch him continue down the street, tossing the hood of his sweatshirt over his head as another frigid gust of wind blows over, and think to myself, What's a better time to befriend the unfriend-able than now?

Quickly, before I lose him, I unlock my car and jump in. After situating myself—and making sure the heater is on full blast—I put the car in drive and make my way towards Aiden.

"Hey!" I call out the passenger window, slowing down as I trail alongside Aiden. Much to my surprise, he hesitantly halts to a stop at the sound of my voice and peers over to me. He takes the liberty to unveil his head and raise an eyebrow at me.

"What?" he asks, an obvious trace of annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry to bother you," I tell him sarcastically, sensing the unwelcoming sentiment towards my presence, "but I just wanted to know if you'd like a ride home."

Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion and curiosity he questions, "Why?"

I shrug and put the car in park; it might take awhile for me to convince Aiden to get in the car. "Well, it's lingering over freezing temperatures and I thought, 'Why not help a friend?'"

Aiden stares at me for a few seconds, possibly debating whether or not he wants to accept my offer. From the hours spent with him I've learned how he is so stubborn it might take more than that to convince him. "I wouldn't exactly call us friends so I think you're helping the wrong guy."

I roll my eyes at his presumably sarcastic remark, but I truly can't tell if he's kidding or not. "Then what would you call us?" I inquire.

He pauses briefly in thought before responding with, "You're just the girl who's helping me pass my classes."

"Friends help each other, am I wrong?" I press.

I watch as Aiden's jaw clenches; he looks pissed. "I don't need a ride from you, okay?" he sneers. With this, he throws his hood back over his head and continues his walk home as if I never even stopped him in the first place.

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"Class," Mr. Johnstone announces, rising from his seat at his desk and clasping his hands together for emphasis, "pop quiz."

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