Chapter Eight

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[ A I D E N ]

For the past three years the smell of hospitals is something I've gotten acquainted with gradually over time. Upon my first steps through the sliding glass doors, I despised the sterile smell of plastic gloves and disinfectants. It was like a hard slap to my face me that reminded me of the reason I came here. Now, it's something I've grown familiar to. The aseptic smells don't bother me anymore. In fact, I sometimes feel at home here.

The main lobby doors slide open automatically. I make my way past the service desk, bidding the two familiar faces a small, "Hello," as I pass by. By now I've practically mastered the maze that is Millwood General Hospital. From the gift shop on floor one to the ICU on floor two, I know this place inside out. So, it doesn't take me long to get to my usual destination.

Once I reach the fourth floor I walk over to the nurse's station, as I need authorization to enter into this particular unit. I'm greeted by a familiar face of a working nurse who I've encountered numerous times before. "Hi, Aiden!" the overly-ecstatic Pam welcomes me. "Glad to see you. I'll let you in."

I return a small smile back to her as she pushes a button and the heavy metal doors slowly open. "Thanks," I tell her then walk through the doors.

The sound of crying children is clearly audible as soon as you walk in. If I had to stay here routinely, I would probably go insane because of those kids. I walk past the scream-filled rooms to the very end of the row of rooms where the reason I'm here resides.

I pull the handle on Room 4016's door and a reassuring smile immediately overcomes my face as soon as I see her laying there. Her eyes are shut as she gracefully lays in a sleep. Her nasal cannulas sits in an awkward position in her nose as she lays over it, her curly brown hair getting caught between it and her cheeks (which surprisingly still contain a rosy tint to them that contrasts her pale skin). Just her presence laying there is enough to lift my spirits.

I take a few steps towards the bed and sit on the edge of it. I grab a strand of her hair, using it to lightly brush it over her nose. Just as I hoped, she begins to wake up from her nap with a quiet fit of giggles. She brushes the hair away from her face and rubs the sleepiness away from her eyes before finally opening them and allowing me to see the calming blueness that I've been dying to look at for a week.

"Aiden!" Olivia exclaims with a big smile. I'm slightly thrown off but her unexpected excited-ness, as she's usually very sleepy and tired when I come to see her. But then I think that it must mean she's getting better so I replicate her smile.

"Hey, Olie," I respond, wrapping my arms around the frail eight-year-old's body as she comes in for a hug. "How've you been?"

She wraps her small arms around my torso, squeezing tightly and burying her face into me. "I've missed you so much!"

I let out a hearty laugh and place a kiss at the top of her head. "I know, sis. I've missed you so much too. But it's only been a few days since I've last seen you."

Olivia pulls back and relaxes back into her bed. "It's been a week," she corrects me, her smile faltering to a more sad look. "You told me you were coming more, but it's been a week since you've last been here."

"I know," I repeat. "I'm sorry, Olie. I've just been busy. But I'm here every Wednesday as promised, aren't I?"

She pouts, looking at me with sad, puppy-dog eyes that she knows I can't resist. "I just want you to see me more. I get so bored in here."

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