Chapter Six

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E X P E C T T H E 


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[ S C A R L E T T ]

A fresh breeze trickles over my half-exposed legs as I sit at the picnic table, admiring the comforting sights around me. This weather is my favorite; the end of March means springtime and the warm weather begins to arise. This time around is the perfect combination of warm and cool, not to mention how beautiful things are beginning to get once again. The colorfulness of flowers begin to pop around me to replace the bleak atmosphere from the colder months.

My eyes gaze at the blue sky. I can't help but reach into my inner-child-ness as I try to interpret the white, fuzzy shapes floating above me.

"You look like a dazed child in a candy shop." Mia took the words straight out of my mind, so I couldn't argue with her one bit.

"I am," I reply, grinning at the blonde sheepishly, then reverting my attention to my lunch placed before me.

On a typical day, you can find Mia and me sitting at this usual picnic table for lunch. The majority of the school will spend their lunch in the chaotic-ness of the cafeteria, and Mia and I used to as well, up until the middle of our freshman year when the loudness and overpopulation of the building got too unbearable. There's only a handful of people who occupy the quad along with us, but that just gives me yet another reason to stay out here; although Mia has no problem with it, I'm not exactly one to be known for my outstanding socializing skills.

"Something about this weather just makes me so happy," I continue as I fixate my vision back up to the sky above me. On a perfect day, this is what I imagine the sky looks like.

"Scarlett Matthews and Aiden Parker, please report to the principal's office immediately."

So much for that perfect day.

Mia was just about to respond when the voice over the school's intercom halts her. She looks at me with her chocolatey brown eyes filled with slight amusement and a small, mischievous grin on her strawberry-tainted lips. "I bet that added to your happiness, didn't it?"

Typically, I would roll my eyes playfully at her lame attempt of a sarcastic remark and respond with a witty comeback. However, in this case, what she said is precisely true—my joyous mood has suddenly turned into an woeful one. The last thing I want right now is to have a confrontation with Aiden after what I witnessed last night. I can distinctly recall him laying his eyes on me so I'm certain he's knows that I'm aware of his secret underground fighting ring, or whatever business he had going on in that building. Whatever it is, it sure didn't seem like something the law would encourage.

I haven't told anybody what I saw, not even Mia. One reason being I don't want to start any rumors about anything, because I truly don't know the truth behind what Aiden was actually doing. The other is the fact that if whatever he was doing got around school, it could lead me to be on Aiden's bad side, which is the last thing I want. I'm already relatively unliked by him as his tutor that was forced upon him so I can only imagine this would only add to it.

"Yeah," I mumble bluntly in response between the last bites of my lunch; so much for my 'dazed-child-in-a-candy-shop' mood, as Mia put it.

Her eyes furrow together, a puzzled expression overcoming her face at my sudden change in mood. "Are you okay?" she wonders.

I shake my head and begin packing my things up to leave. "I'm fine," I assure her firmly.

Mia's chocolate brown eyes narrow, analyzing me as she tries to find out whether or not I'm lying. "You sure?"

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