CH. 8 - Moment of truth?

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After Ai's second breakdown Saturday night, she's seemed slightly better. Thank god. Though I can see she's getting more and more unnerved as the concert approaches.

It's now Friday of the next week, yeah, another time skip. I'm trying to keep this interesting, y'know? It's 4 PM and the dome performance is tomorrow - Saturday. We've got less than a day left until the performance and I have to make sure I'm ready to confront whatever or whoever comes. I'm sat at my desk in my room, browsing the internet. I hear the doorknob to my bedroom turn behind me and soft footsteps on the carpet come up and stop at my chair.

"Heyyy, whatcha doin'?"

I look over next to me and see the ever so familiar curious star pupils staring at me as she leans over my shoulder with a smile.

"Nothing much, just browsing YouTube. What's goin on?"

"I just wanted to come see what my favorite person was doing, that's all."

Your favorite person, huh? Well, I'll take that title. Teasing her a bit can't hurt, can it?

"Ah, your favorite person? To what do I owe such a title?"

"Ahh, I don't know, maybe by being the person who has been helping me cope with a stalker and who has made me feel like I actually finally belong, hmm?"

Oh. Oh. Nice.

"Well that certainly seems like a hefty task, how did I manage to land that many titles with the legendary Ai herself?"

She puts her finger to her chin in mock thought.

"Hmmm, that's a secret!"

She puts her finger to her mouth in a hush gesture, smiling and shooting me a cheeky wink.


"So, you excited for tomorrow?"

"I mean, I am. Just lots has been going through my head since the night we saw that guy outside my house. I've been worried, but you've been keeping me sane, so thank you."

"It's the least I can do. Ai... I need to say this since I don't really have anybody else to say this to. I'm.... worried. My gut is telling me something is gonna happen before the concert tomorrow and I don't know what. It's a suffocating feeling, but we'll get through it."

I plan to throw hands with Ryosuke tomorrow, it's ON SIGHT. I'm gonna beat the FUCK outta him for all the pain he caused me, the kids, Ai herself and every other fan of hers. This is completely selfish, at that point I don't even care that he's there to do it again, I'm going to make sure he feels the full force of all the tears the anime made me and millions of others shed.

Ai looks at me with kind eyes.

"Well, regardless I appreciate you doing your best for me and the kids. You really are a blessing from god himself."

Oh, if only you knew how accurate that really was.

I put my hand on her head and ruffle her hair a bit, making her pout cutely.

"Well, I can say with certainty that if anyone intends you harm, they'll have to go through me first. And I'm not nice to people who intend to harm people I care about."

She smiles again.

"Well, that makes me feel a lot better, my big strong knight in shining armor."

"Oh, so this is the game we're playing?"

Just then, I hear a knock on the front door, which sends my senses into overdrive. My heart begins racing and I panic, not expecting Ryosuke to show up today. But, I hear Ichigo's voice coming from behind the door, eliciting a hearty sigh and paranoid chuckle from me.

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