CH. 3 - Interview?

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So, there I was, sitting in Ai's living room while Ichigo and Miyako stare at me with distrust.

Not that I can blame them, I'm a complete stranger and Ai is a nationally known superstar. This reaction was natural, if anything.

"So, you just moved in next door, huh? What do you do for work that could lead you to such a neighborhood?"

Ichigo is treating this like some sort of interrogation, which, in all honesty, I guess it was. Ai pipes up at his question before I can respond.

"He's a photographer! An incredibly talented one at that! He said he was coming to the dome concert to take pictures!"

"Oh, so you knew who she was, then?"

"Yes, sir I did. I was unaware that she was my neighbor until I today, though."

Which is completely the truth, I just miiiight be lying about the actual point in the day at which I found out.

"Let me see some of your work. I'm in need of a photographer for B-Komachi, and I might just hire you on as a condition of us letting you know where our star talent lives."

"Oh, well that's no problem. Ai said she wanted to pass my name to you to see about bringing me on anyways, so I was kind of expecting this to be brought up."

I hand him my business card, at which he pulls his phone out and visits my website, reviewing all of my previous work. There even was a smaller B-Komachi concert that I had shot at a while back, so he got to see what kinds of photos I can take of the girls.

"Well, you're certainly talented! What's your last name?"

"Davis, sir."

"Well well well, Collin, it just so happens that I've heard your name many times before from other manager friends of mine, as well as some producers I work with, all vouching for you and your work. Word is, you value integrity, and have always kept things that needed to stay behind closed doors, behind closed doors. I value that a lot in a person in this line of work."

Wow, so I guess I am pretty well known then, huh?

"Well I'm glad to hear that sir, yes I do value those things a lot. I understand how important things that are private being kept as such is, and do my best to respect those."

Ichigo leans over to Ai, whispering in her ear.

| Ai's POV |

"Does he know about the kids?"

Ichigo seemed determined to know this, at which it finally dawned on me.

"No, I don't think so."

"Well, I think it might be a good idea to keep them under wraps for now, because even with his shining recommendations, we still don't know him well."

Just then, the door to their room opens, and Ruby and Aqua come out, Ruby immediately jumping into my arms.

"Mama! Mama! I want food!"

"You'll get food eventually, Ruby. Don't pester Ai too much, she's clearly in a meeting right now."

I see that Aqua is as astute as ever.

I look up at Ichigo, who has a look of horror on his face, then over at Collin, who seems incredibly astonished - but it seemed fake. I couldn't place why, but he seemed a bit too calm about finding out that I had kids. I wonder why? Not that I had a specific reaction in mind that I thought I'd get from him on this topic, but this certainly wasn't it.

| Collin's POV |

Well well well, I finally get to see them. The twins. Two others who were reincarnated just like me, who also have no idea who each other are. This is gonna be interesting.

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