CH. 4 - Opening up.

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| Ai's POV |

I'm so nervous. It's weird, really. I can perform in front of thousands of people, but sitting in a private room talking to a single person into a microphone is daunting to me. The fact that it's an overcast morning doesn't help.

The interviewer's name is Koichi Sejiara, a very famous idol centered radio show host that is known worldwide for his "Super Idol" magazine and podcast. I've been asked to come on the show to speak about my experience as the center of a quickly budding group taking the idol world by storm.

The time comes to begin the interview, and I'm called into the room. After introductions and the first few basic questions, Koichi begins asking me the deeper ones.

"So, how do you feel about how far you've come since your debut?"

"Well there's not much to say, is there? I've spent my years helping to build B-Komachi to that next level, and it seems our efforts are finally paying off!"

"Well Ai, the viewers want an eye into your life outside of B-Komachi, can you tell us anything about that?"

It's clear he's trying to get me to reveal information that would get his show big numbers, which would be very personal information that the super fans could eat up about their favorite idol, Ai.

Well unfortunately for them, I'm not new to how this works and I don't plan to reveal anything that could put me in harms way. If I did, who knows what danger I'd be in?

"Hmmmm... it's a secret!"

I put my finger to my mouth in a cute "hush" pose, this gets me off the hook from things like this way more often than it should...

"Aww, come on Ai, don't be like that! Your fans want to know the real you!"

If only you knew...

"Well... maybe one day I'll reveal some things about myself. But for now everyone has to just stay content with seeing me perform!"

| Collin's POV |

Watching her in the interview room is amazing, she's so skilled at keeping her true self inside. Oh, and just an update - chapter 135 of the manga has released as of now, and we got a deeper glimpse into what it was like for her in 134. With this new information... I promise even harder to protect this girl with everything I have. I have so much of a deeper idea of who she is as a person now, and we've only scratched the surface.

After another 45 minutes of her being in the room with Koichi, the host finally concludes the interview and bids Ai farewell. She comes back out to where we're standing, greeting us all with a smile as sweet as honey. 

"Another successful interview!"

She triumphantly exclaims while playfully flexing her arm.

"Yeah, glad it went well. I got some nice photos too, so everyone is winning today."

Ichigo and Miyako look content, Ichigo ushers us along even still, taking the elevator down to the ground floor and walking out of the building.

We get to the parking lot when we hear the idol pipe up enthusiastically.

"I wanna ride with Collin this time!" 

Ai's statement catches all of the rest of us off guard, even the kids look surprised.

"Ai, I don't think-"

"Ichigo, I think we should let her. She seems eager and I doubt Collin would mind." 

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