Nathanial quickly gained his composure still holding his nose with one hand, blood beginning to trickle down the side of his face and through his fingers a bit. Who knew I had a mean right hook. Sebastian on the other hand seemed to be having the time of his life, his laugh grabbing more attention to the situation as it sounded like a mix between a hyaena and donkey.

I'll admit, it was one of those laughs that made you want to join in and it took everything in me to not join in and laugh along with him. But, since I had already done enough damage, I didn't think it'd be appropriate.

Nathanial snapped his head towards him and shot him a glare with his one eye, Sebastian immediately shut up and put his hands up in defense, muttering Jesus lighten up, followed by a quieter do it again. It was so quiet only audible enough for me to hear as he was much closer to me than Nathaniel, but hearing that was my last straw.

I completely lost it, it was now me laughing like a hyaena. Everyone's attention once again was on us for what felt like the millionth time, you would have thought it was for a reality show premiere and not a baby shower.

This sent Nathanial over the roof, if he wasn't mad before, he was fuming now. I could practically see the smoke coming from every single hole on his face. Wish I could snap a picture, hopefully one of these people catch it.

His head snapped in my direction, how his neck doesn't hurt with all these fast movements is a mystery to me. It was now my turn to shut up, I put my hands over my mouth and did the only logical thing to do in that moment. I ran.

I ran past the crowd, shoving a person or two out the way figuring that would result in less catastrophe as oppose to waiting there for Nathanial's wrath. I caught a glimpse of mystery man from the corner of my eye and we made eye contact for a moment as I continued to run. He had a smile on his face and was clapping. I turned my focus back to where I was going, smiling to myself.

I finally reached the doorway and was about to continue running until I reached the Uber who I pray to the heavens is still there and hasn't decided to leave me here when an excellent idea came to mind. Figured if there was already chaos happening, why not add a little more?

I swiftly took off my earring, covering one ear and bringing the other against my shoulder to prevent any possible ear damage from being so close. One by one, I popped the human sized ballon's, the two loudest pops you could imagine were heard, I smiled. Maybe a couple small ones too, figured why not. Okay fine! I might've held my hand out, the sharp side sticking out making sure to make contact with every single ballon on that side of the path as I continued to make my getaway and run down the path causing numerous pop sounds behind me. The screams that were heard after the fact, you would think someone died in there. Dramatic.
I finally reached the gate which luckily still happened to be vacant. I scanned the scene and just like I thought, the Uber left. I groaned in frustration, I looked down to pull out my phone when bright headlights flashed my way blinding my vision. I held my hand out attempting to block out the light and figure out who was behind the wheel when they turned off and a head popped out the window, "Sorry! I had to move, they were going to give me a ticket!"

The biggest smile made its way on my face, it was the Uber driver. He's definitely going to get a good tip. I quickly made my way inside before shouting, "GO, GO, GO", repeatedly sending him into overdrive. "WHAT!" He screamed, and he hurriedly put the car in drive and sped off, I couldn't help but laugh. "I'm sorry, I've just always wanted to do that," I replied in between laughs. He wiped off what I asume was sweat from his forehead and let out a nervous laugh. "Ay dios mío," he muttered, while I continued to have a laughing fit in the backseat.

A couple minutes passed by and we were finally long away from Nathanial's manor. We were currently stopped at a stop light, and I was catching Mateo, the Uber driver, all up on gossip and the events that just occurred. "No way girl, he did not. He has balls I'll tell you that," he replied after I was done.

The light turned green, "I'm going to win this. No matt-," the sound of screeching tires, a truck horn blaring reached my ears before my eyes could register where the sound was coming from.

A force so strong coming from every direction knocked the wind out my lungs. All the windows were shattered and glass shards of all sizes were flying everywhere. The sides of my face and cheeks were stinging, I'm sure it being in result of the glass shards. I reached to touch my face, a liquid covering the surface and transferring to my finger, blood. So much blood.

That's when the car began to shake and before I knew it we were rolling and I felt a sharp stab to my side making me cry out in pain. I gasped for air and reached all around me for some type of support as my arms and legs flapped around in every direction, the car having no intention to stop rolling.

"Manu" I screamed, my throat felt tight and it was all I managed to get out. I groaned in pain, every single inch of my body had a sharp unbearable aching pain.

We were on our third roll when an image of rose popped into my head. I was beginning to think I wasn't going to make it out alive. Hell, I knew I wasn't. It would take a miracle.

My throat was closing and I was finding it a struggle to breathe, my head was ringing and my eyes were getting so heavy. They say when a persons near the end they get hit with a wave of memories from childhood leading up to the present.

Split seconds of memories flashed before my eyes. Then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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