Act One - Awakening

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I have spent many nights lying awake in my bed. Awake simply staring up at the roof I often had above my head, the ceiling of my room had patterns that seemed to shift to my eyes. Obviously it would never move because that is just how reality works. No matter how much I stared at the motionless plane, did I ever get close to the answer I wanted so desperately.

I spent years having weird things happen to me, the ceiling was only the first of many small oddities. I would sometimes look at sauces in the fridge; the likes of A1, Soy, Teriyaki, Ketchup and the likes only to see different shades for split seconds. I also had the experiences of seeing a figure stare through various glass items; the being was inhuman in shape and size, an arm that was too long here or a leg too short there. All of this was chopped up to be my overly active child imagination, while this continues into my teenage years I often choose to never say anything as they always say it as me desiring attention.

As I aged the more I got in the world of paranormal, I would wash my face from getting some chills. Moments after the water would leave my hand I would be.. Be somewhere new? I am not quite sure how I am supposed to phrase it but in one singular moment I would go from washing my face to holding a dying child in my arms. Blood would be all over my arms and I was hearing a language that I could only partially understand; what I could tell was that the dying person before me was my own child. Moments after I would be back in the bathroom and there I would still see red on my arms, but minutes of scrubbing did nothing and no one else seemed to see it. Sometime later I would blink and my life would flip upside down with all these experiences.

More time would pass again and soon these memories.. Experiences would come by more and more. Eating breakfast one second and the next I am in full plate mail charging forward with arrows flying at my side, A beautiful barbarian woman by my side; BAM I return with my cereal on the floor and my parents scolding me for being 'Clumsy'. Using the bathroom to suddenly be sent back but this time I am eighty years old and holding what seems to be the same Barbarian lady, this time though she is softer like life has been simpler towards the end. Each journey is more vivid than the last. While I can make out big details, I soon felt like I was put into this world and had full vivid interactions.

Finally the biggest change happened a week ago. Closing my eyes for sleep didn't bless me with the dark or a dream but instead I returned to that world I have been seeing. Waking I could smell the burning smell of fire, alongside the smell was quite the ambiance of a lit fireplace. Rolling over I see that the bed that I was asleep upon was some logs about a foot or two off the ground, covered in mild hay or some old grain. Pulling the cover off of myself I see that it is a hide from an animal, soon I notice the fact I am within a shack or cabin.

"Dear, we have something ready for you" calls a voice from a doorway that leads to an open room that has more pelts and candles lit. sliding my foot from the bed-side I felt cold cobblestones touching my feet, this room feels like a medieval time like a fancy cabin that is homed by a hunter.

"Samuel GET IN HERE, If you don't hurry then I will have to throw you in the river again" this time mid sentence the voice switched to my mothers voice before switching back, something deep down tells me this is my mother or well this person's mother. Standing up I soon realize I am a child again, no more than 10 at most.

"I am coming! '' I shouted hoping that I would not anger this person because so far everything was all too real, and the last thing I needed was a punishment from this person's mother. Entering the next room had me wake up with my hand outstretched to the roof as if reaching out to a person, this was the first of many journeys into this world.

Today I started to hear someone else's thoughts, it is scary as they mention my daily actions here and there or other times it is just them thinking on their own. These experiences are concerning on its own merit but having another being's thoughts come into me is also concerning. Shifting in and out of the places more and more and never having a moment where my mind does not hurt from information overload is basically a new normal. All I know is I have awakened something and no one will ever believe that I am sane.. And I cannot blame them as I myself do not think I am sane.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors Message -

I just want to say I was writing this more as just a creative writing exercise and want to see how this does before furthering it as I wanted it to be three total acts.

Also do not be afraid to give feedback as well as recommendations or prompts and Thank you for reading.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 04 ⏰

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