Kindergarden, chairs and fire!

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The masked man paused for a minute. Staring at the wall in the dark. Lost in thought. "A few days before the fateful day" he continues. Why is he so dramatic? "On my walk there, to kindergarden, I saw.. a rock." He finally looks at Im. "It wasnt just some random rock. It was very pretty." He stated, his voice softening at the thought. "I picked it up and took it with me." "I kept it on me, always." His face hardens now. Im imagined, he must be frowning now. But its too dark for Im to see. "One day, you decided to take it from me. You saw yourself more worthy of the rock than me. Has your mother not taught you, you shouldnt take things that arent yours? I was looking forward to going home. The familiar weight in my pocket. But noo. You had to take it from me that day! YOU LOST MY ROCK!" Anddd he is yelling again. His voice reverberating around the basement sends chills down Im's back. She doesnt remember ever taking a rock from anyone! But she was 6. Its not imposibble. It couldve happened, though Im doesnt remember. "Sorry?" Im apologised, althought she had not meant it. But she immediately regrets it, because he starts yelling again. "SORRY?! ARE YOU SERIOUS? YOU'RE APOLOGISING?! YOU DON'T EVEN REMEMBER IT!" Im felt the need to apologise again, but she kept her mouth shut, the yelling is starting to bore her. "But dont worry," he declared, suddenly calm, "I knew you wouldnt remember, that is why I made this" and with the last words another door opened behind him. Im didnt even notice there was another door. Im wondered whether he rehearsed it, because the timing was awfully convenient. Im wiggled in the chair. This is truly the most uncomfortable chair ever. Even the chairs at school are luxury compared to this, and thats saying something. "YOU'RE NOT EVEN LOOKING!" he bellowed again, and Im lifted her eyes up from the chair, where she was invistigating the little pieces of wood, sticking out into her legs. "Sorry" im apologised and immediately got scared he'd yell again. "Its just very uncomfortable, i've said it before." Im mentioned. To her surprise he smiled at that. "Well, dont worry" his voice was scaringly sweet "i'm sure this will be more comfortable for you, princess." He spit the last word at her. That was when she finally looked at the thing that was dragged through the door, the thing he was talking about. It was a chair? That was when she noticed the wires in it. It wasnt just a normal chair. Omg it's an electric chair.

Yeah so, I electrified this girl, because she took my rock when we were six. Wtf. This guy has some serious problems. He should be locked in a psych ward or something and not roam around the world, electrifying young girls for the stupidest reasons ever. Like what? Im remembered what he said earlier. That it was supposed to help her remember? How is an ele- "Sit" the psycho ordered her and before she could do anything she was strapped in the electric chair. She didnt even notice that he untied her from the wooden one. "Comfortable?" He smirked (probably, Im still couldnt really see in the dark, perhaphs it was for the better though, she thought, I bet he is as ugly as he sounds) "I made it myself" he said proudly. Wow. Congratulations. Like who, in their spare time, makes an Electric Chair! Im started thinking of what her last words should be, when he spoke again. "Its a rememberance chair. Its going to help you remember." Oh. So not electric. Rememberance. "Is that the name? Rememberance chair? Very original." Im muttered under her breath. "Dont worry, if it wont work theres always a plan B, well if you survive that is, of course." Of course. Of course this chair wont work. Of course Im will die the most random death ever. All of a sudden the room was light. The wires were sparkling. Thats cool. Definitely okay. I wont die. Nuh-uh. Were Im's last thoughts before the explosion.

Im opened her eyes. She was lying on the ground of the basement. She was warm. There was light. A warm light? Oh, fire. Well thats fire🔥🔥. There were wrecks on the floor. Something that probably used to be a chair. Ha. A rememberance chair. More like a... stupid wanna be something chair, that will explode because some psycho who has beef with a 6 - year - old built it. Im got up. Everything hurt. She wobbled to the door. On her way there she stepped on something soft. She didnt notice a carpet before? Oh, its not a carpet, its the guy's face. Im was correct, he was ugly. But perhaps thats because his face was burned. Or perhaps he was uglier before and its better his face is burned now. When she was outside she heard sirens. She looked back. The house was on fire. The firefighters were on their way. Well thats settled than. All she had to do now is get home. ..Except im had no idea where she was. She took her phone out, why didnt he take her phone from her? Amateur. Her fingers hovered over Tree's contact name. Than she remembered that Tree was working with a psycho and thanks to her Im was blown up. So Im deleted Tree Stone's contact name. After she went to the messages and did the same. After she was finished, she called Harry and was on her way home.

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