Wet sock, bag caught on a door handle and Harry Styles

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Imunique woke up to the sound of the rain. It was another sxhool morning. She felt like staying at home. Regardless she took an umbrella and took off towards the bus stop. Miss Kafuňková was picking up trash from the ground, once again. Mumbling under her breath about the young genaration. "Good Morning" Imunique greeted miss Kafuňková. In return, miss Kafuňková looked at her nicely and nodded her head as a form of greeting.

The bus was late. Imunique was starting to get worried. Today was truly an amazing day, to stay at home. But school. Imunique had a wet sock, and on the way to class her bag got caught on the door handle. "Hey Im!" Imuniques friend Sidecharacter greeted her. "Hey Sid! Guess what! I got adopted!" "Omg, no way! By who?" Sidecharacter answered. "Im not sure," Imunique said, while sitting down, next to Sid, "Im supposed to meet them today. I think their name is Harry." "Only one person?"  "Nah, but I dont remember the second name." Imuni claimed. "Think it started with an L though." Side opened her mouth to respond, when the teacher walked in, and the lesson started.

The school day was as boring as ever, and combinated with the calming sound of the rain, it provided an ideal atmosphere to fall asleep to. And Im gave in to that. Her geography teacher, miss Stone, shook with her to wake her up. "Imi, Imi." Miss Stone called soothingly, not wanting to startle Im. "Wake up, the class ended already." Im looked up, wearing a confused expression on her face for a while, and her hair a mess. Miss Stone slightly smiled at her. "You should go home. It even stopped raining." Miss Stone said and Im looked towards to the window. The teacher, Tree Stone, was correct, it indeed have stopped raining already. Im looked back at her favorite teacher, "thanks Tree" Im smiled. They have been on the first name basis for some time already. It started when her dad drowned and Im was going through a hard time. Tree was there for her. And when Im's mother left with her English teacher, Im was left home alone. Tree helped her through all of that, and they became a lot closer.  "Of course im. Anytime." Tree said still smiling. But then, her smile faltered a little, "Are you sure you're alright? You know you can talk to me, if you want." "I know Tree, thanks. Im alright though, just a bit tired, thats all." Im answered smiling at Tree. The question if Tree would adopt Im was answered a few weeks back, when im stayed after class, as always, to catch up with Tree. And when we ignore the fact that Tree is more of a friend, than a parent figure to Im, teachers are poor. And Tree is living on the brink of poverty rn.

When Im arrived home, a surprise was waiting for her. "Im home!" Im called to the empty house. Her neighbour who sometimes watered the plants, when she was in school, and helped her sometimes, when she needed help, was probably not there. Im was grateful for all the help from her friends, and aquaintances she got, after her mom decided that her own love life is more important than her child. Im tried to not let it bother her, but still she sometimes felt worthless. Like plevel. But whenever she felt that way, Tree was there to cheer her up.
Im went upstairs to her room, just to be met with her stalker, going through her drawers. "Go away, Stal, how many Times do I have to repeat it." Im sighed. Stalker "Stal" Weird looked at her, let out a weird noise, like a cat getting ran over by a bus, and jumped out of the window. Im closed the window and put up her curtains. She changed into a more comfortable clothes and went downstairs to get an afterschool snack. She was very tired, but still had to do some homework and study for the upcoming exam.  As she reached for the fridge, a doorbell Bell Rang.  Im sighed, not wanting to communicate with any human being right now. It was probably her stalker, or her neighbor. Im was hoping for the second one though. She reached for the door and when she opened it, she froze with surprise. It wasnt Stal. Nor the neighbot. It was Harry. HARRY STYLES. "Hey, " he said nervously, "um, is your name Imunique?"

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