Chicken parmesan, plevel and a buzzcut

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The cold wind from the car window carressed Im's face. She met with Louis earlier, and now was in his car, riding to Harry's place. She left Stal in the hospital. He's supposed to be alright in a few days, but Im will probably have to go check on him, turns out, he doesnt have a family. His dad left, which was not a surprise to Im, and his mom left him as a child on a doorstep of some random family. But the random family, didnt want a child, so they left him in an orphanage. But Stal hadnt showed up in the orphanage for years, so Im guessed he ran away and lived somwhere in a bush, like a weirdo, that he is.

The car stopped and Im looked at the house they stopped in front of. It was a family house. Louis gave her a reassuring smile and went to open the trunk of the car to get Im's baggage. Im took a deep breath and went to Louis. "Harry's cooking us dinner." He informed her. Im smiled. Noe that she thought of it, she was rather hungry.

As they stepped through the door of the house, Louis showed her the kitchen and greeted Harry. "How was the ride?" asked Harry. "It was fine" answered Louis, "what's for dinner?" he smiled. Im looked at the food, and then at Harry, excited to find out what she'll be eating in a few minutes. She was very hungry.
Harry smiled, showing his teeth "My speciality, chicken parmesan." He grinned. Im smiled at those words and looked excitedly at Louis, but was surprised, when she didnt see her mirrored expression in his face. Louis gritted his teeth. His smile wiped from existence. "Im" he said with a low voice, almost a whisper, if Im wasn't right next to him, she probably wouldnt even hear him "your room is in the second door on the right, on the second floor" he added. "How about you go unpack, you'll get the house tour later." Im nodded and left. The atmosphere was weird. She didnt really understand what was going on, but as she was taking her luggage upstairs, she heard loud voices arguing.
"FOR GODS SAKE HAROLD,WHY WOULD YOU SAY CHICKEN PARM?! SHES GONNA THINK WE'RE GAY!" Harry's voice echoed back: "OH, DW IM PRETTY SURE SHE GUESSED AS MUCH ALREADY! IF WERE SUPPOSED TO BE A FAMILY, WE CANT KEEP SECRETS FROM EACH OTHER! Im continued her journey upstairs, and once she reached her room, she heard her phones ringtone.

"NEveR GoNna GiVe yOu uP, NevEr GonnA LeT YoU DOWn" her phone rang. Im sighed lovingly at her ringtone, and when she took the call, she felt a bitter sadness, at not being able to hear the ethereal music anymore. "Hey, wassup?" Im said into the phone. "Wtf, who even greets people like that?" Her friends Sidecharacter's voice answered her. "I mean wassup? Are you ok, or did you hit your head?" Sid asked judgingly. "Nah, I didnt, but Stal did actually." Im mentioned. "Stal? You mean Stalker Weird?" "Yeh, Stal" Im continued. "He's in the hospital rn, i'll have to visit him soon." She said, more to herself, than to Sid. "Wtf Im, are you friends with him or what? You know it's so fucking weird that you call him Stal, people already think you're friends, some people ship you already. Its weird Im, you're weird." Im thought for a while about her friend's words. "I like ships," Im stated "but they are on water" Im frowned now "my dad drowned in water.. I dont think I like ships anymore, Sid" Im finished her train of thoughts. She was met with silence on the other end of the line. "Im.." her friend finally responded "you are the weirdest person i've ever met, and I know your dad drowned and everything, but you're really fucking weird. I dont even blame your mom for leaving, you've always been like not normal, tbh you and Stal are both weird af and when you get married, you'll have a last name Weird which suits you. And ive been thinking for a long time what's wrong with you, but I cant seem to figure it out. Idk if you have autism or ADHD or smth else. But you say youre like that bc of your parents, yet youve been weird like this for a long time and I dont think I can do this anymore. Dont contact me ever again Im. Normal people our age talk about normal things, not stalkers in your room and being adopted and you talking about miss Stone calling her Tree is really weird and I cant even describe how weird you are, and I just dont want to be your friend. I never did but you always talked to me. Nobody likes you. Everyone knows youre not normal. Youre like plevel, nobody wants you yet youre still here. Dont call me again." Sid finished. "But.." Im was confused "you called me. Didnt you?" Im asked "no, you called me, I never called you, what are you even talking about." "No. But i'm pretty sure you called me. I heard the ringtone i think." "What are you talking about Imunique. Why are you gaslighting me. I think I would know, if I called you, wouldn't I?!" "I guess.." Im said, not so sure now whether she just hadnt imagined her ringtone, it has been in her head for a few months now, and she has imagined things before, so its not so imposibble. Sid might be right. "Yeah, you better. Idk why you would even try convincing me that I called you. I dont like you Im. I dont want to talk to you, or call you." "Oh" im said, her brain thinking thousand things at once, but she couldnt put neither of the stuff she was thinking into words. So she stayed silent. "Thats it? Oh? Thats all you have to say?" Sid asked, after Im havent been saying anything for a minute. "I'm sorry?" Im said. She wasnt sure what she was apologising for, but Sid was mad, and apparently it was something Im did, or said, so an apology is required, isnt it? "Yeah you are. Now fuck off." Sid said. Im hung up and sighed. Not again. Sid sometimes said stuff like that. But on Monday in school, she'll be talking to her again like nothing happened. Im is used to her friend's outbursts already. So she decides to go eat, her stomach made a noise as if a confirmation, that her decision to find food is good.

When Im went downstairs, nobody was there. Louis was apparently gone, and Harry too. Im looked around for the chicken parmesan in the kitchen, but she couldnt find it anywhere. Her search interrupted a noise at the front door. Im turned around and looked who it is. She was left in shock, when she got greeted by Harry's bald head.

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