Chapter 24

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"Have you ever.. Liked? Someone" Sophia asked.

She was standing in the school's auditorium. So many people in front of her. She was finally performing the show she'd made about Mikey. Before they'd started dating.

"Yea." Some people replied.

"Yeah. Me too." She said.

"But have you ever liked someone you.. can't like?" She asked.

No response.

"Yknow i like a guy. I like this guy, like so much. And i do not know why." She laughed.

"I mean, he's a jerk. He's such a huge jerk. He doesn't care about me." She said.

"In the slightest." She added.

Some people laughed.

"And because he's a jerk." She snapped her fingers.

"I can't like him."

"But weirdly, i think that might also be why i like him. I love that he's a jerk." She said.

"I love that hes a jerk. I love the way he.. He makes me mad. I love the way his eyebrows flare everytime he sees me. I love the way he.. He talks, and walks. I mean when he talks he doesn't say the nicest things but weirdly, i also love that." She explained.

"I just.. God i love him." She said.

A few people laughed from the audience.

"Its weird yknow. Love. Why do i love him? Why? He's never in his whole life even had a thought of love about me."

Some more people laughed.

"Id be surprised if he ever even thought of me in a good way to be honest." Sophia laughed.

"Why? Why do we love? Why do i love him? Why do i feel this way? Why do i feel like im never going to be okay again if he doesn't like me back? Why do i feel like my life wouldn't be complete without him, he's my soul sworn enemy!"

Some people laughed at that.

"God i hate that boy. But god do i love him. I love this hair, his dark eyes, his stupid typical teenage boy clothing style, his shoe collection and the posters on his wall."

"Im supposed to hate him, yet everytime im around him i find myself smiling."

"Smiling at everything. Smiling even when he says he hates me."

"And then again, why?" She laughed.

"Why do i hate this asshole. Why do i hate his hair, his dark eyes, his stupid typical teenage boy clothing style, his shoe collection and the posters on his wall."


"Why can't i just goddamn decide what i want."

"And why.. God tell me why.. Why can't that guy just grow some balls and tell me he loves me."

She sighed.

That would have been the end of her speech. Exept..

"Anywho, im now dating said jerk i love. So maybe, love isn't that weird, not when it's mutual." She said.

And with that, her speech was over.

She looked at Miguel, and then at the people applauding.

"Thank you!" She smiled.

Miguel spun her around, dropped her, and then caught her, like in all the movies she'd watched as a kid. He laughed at her as she struggled to keep her balance. He bent down, and kissed her. As he pulled away she smiled at him.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more mi amor." He replied.

The two smiled at eachother as the lights faded out.


-the end-


Endgame, Miguel Cazarez MoraOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant