Ethan scooped Lily into his arms, giving her a big hug. "We'll see what we can do, peanut," he said with a wink, causing Lily to giggle with delight.

Ava's parents reassured the couple, "Don't worry about Lily. We'll take good care of her. You two go and enjoy your time together. You both deserve this break."

As they hugged their parents goodbye, Ava's mother whispered in her ear, "Enjoy every moment, honey. This is your time."

Ethan and Ava then made their way through the departure gate, hand in hand, both stealing glances back at their daughter and parents, their hearts full. As they walked, Ava leaned into Ethan, "I can't believe we're finally doing this."

Ethan squeezed her hand, a smile playing on his lips, "It's just the beginning of our new journey together."

Boarding the plane, they settled into their seats, both lost in thoughts of the beautiful white beaches and crystal clear waters that awaited them. The promise of a week of uninterrupted bliss in the Maldives was the perfect way to celebrate their love, a love that had endured and blossomed against all odds.

As Ava and Ethan's plane descended, the view of the Maldives from above was breathtaking. The islands dotted the Indian Ocean like emerald jewels amidst the dazzling blue waters. They landed smoothly, and a warm, tropical breeze greeted them as they exited the plane.

A short boat ride later, they arrived at their beach resort, a paradise nestled against a backdrop of clear turquoise waters and pristine white sands. The resort was a picturesque collection of nipa hut cottages on stilts, connected by wooden walkways hovering above the crystal-clear ocean.

"Our villa looks amazing!" Ava exclaimed as they approached their private nipa hut cottage. The thatched roof and the rustic exterior blended perfectly with the tranquil surroundings.

"I can't wait to explore this place," Ethan said, his eyes reflecting the shimmering ocean. "It's like something out of a dream."

As they entered their villa, the interior was a harmonious blend of traditional Maldivian style and modern luxury. The airy space was filled with natural light, and the large glass doors opened to a private deck with a breathtaking ocean view.

"Look at this view," Ava gasped, stepping onto the deck. The ocean spread out before them, a vast expanse of sparkling blue. "It's like we're floating on the ocean."

Ethan wrapped his arms around her, both of them gazing out at the horizon where the sky met the sea. "This is perfect," he whispered. "Just you, me, and the endless ocean."

Ava leaned back into him, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over her. "I can't believe we're here. It's so beautiful."

They spent a few moments in silence, simply absorbing the serene beauty of their surroundings. The sound of the gentle waves, the warmth of the sun, and the cool ocean breeze created an atmosphere of pure bliss.

"Let's make the most of every moment here," Ethan said, turning to face Ava with a smile. "Our honeymoon is going to be unforgettable."

Ava smiled back, her heart full. "I'm ready for every adventure with you, Ethan. This is just the beginning."

Together, hand in hand, they stepped back inside to begin their honeymoon in paradise, a world away from everything, yet closer than ever to each other.

As the evening unfolded, Ethan had a special surprise planned for Ava. He led her to an under-the-sea restaurant, a magical place where they could dine surrounded by the wonders of the ocean. The restaurant was a large, transparent dome nestled under the sea, offering an immersive dining experience amidst the marine life.

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