[13] The day of the festival

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"Good morning, citizens of the Lavender Kingdom. I am Amelie Christine of Róman, princess of the Róman Kingdom."

The sunbeams and gentle songs woke me up. I stretched my arms while trying to analyze everything that had happened the previous day, but my thoughts were distracted by the cheerful melody.

Before I could get out of bed, I felt three small knocks on the door, and seconds later, Jane appeared with a smile.

"Good morning, little princess," she said. In her arms, she held a white dress.

"Bon matin [Good Morning]," I replied.

"How do you feel today? Has the fever completely gone down?" She hurried to my side and placed her hand on my forehead.

"Much better... about that, I don't understand what happened, but I'm fine now."

"That was indeed a big scare, princess, but the doctors were kind enough to note down everything we should do if it happens again at home... although we haven't informed your father yet... I just hope my dear princess grows up healthy and strong." She ran her fingers through my hair, arranging a few strands.

"I will grow up healthy and strong, you'll see."

"That's why it's important to eat all your vegetables..." I made a small grimace while crossing my arms. "Well, it's time to get up for breakfast... today will be a busy day, starting with the Lavender Kingdom festival."

"Festival? Did I forget an important date?"

"Princess, are you sure you're feeling well?" I nodded slowly, trying to remember if I had really forgotten something, but she started laughing. "It's a welcome festival! Organized only for you, princess."

"Oh..." My head connected the dots, and my excitement became even more noticeable. "Will it be at the castle? Who will attend? Or... will it be in the city? Can I leave the castle?"

"It will start in the main square of the city, so you'll get to explore it. Then, you'll return to the castle to celebrate with high society."

"That's great!" I jumped off the bed almost instantly. "It's my first festival, isn't it exciting?"

"I assure you it will be fun. The royal family will present you to the Lavender Kingdom publicly, not only as a guest but also as a representative of your father and your own kingdom... you'll travel in your carriage, and the rules are different."

"Will we all travel together?" Jane shook her head as she hung the dress on a hanger and picked up a small box of hair accessories.

"Take a seat, Amelie, I need to do your hair." I quickly obeyed. "There will be three carriages. Their Majesties, the king and queen, will travel in the first... the second will be your carriage, princess, and the last will be for the princes, Ethan and Christopher, all accompanied by their knights. Oliver will accompany you."

"Will my carriage be in the middle?" Jane began brushing my hair. "Shouldn't it be the last?" I turned towards her.

"Stay still, Amelie." I regained my posture while making a face. It was pleasant to be pampered with these small details, but it was exhausting to sit in front of a mirror for hours just for a hairstyle. Thinking about it made me miss my home, that city full of smoke, but where you could dress and style your hair without so many restrictions.

"Wait, Jane... Did you just say I'll travel alone in the carriage? You won't be with me?" I had overlooked an important detail while being distracted.

"Oh, about that... I have some errands on the other side of the city, so I won't be able to accompany you, princess."

Second Life For Amelie [ENGLISH]Where stories live. Discover now