[4] He has been feared

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"I promise I'll turn that castle into our new home."

My mother was sitting at the edge of the bed when I opened my eyes; she looked very tired because everything happened exactly as the king had said... a carriage was waiting for us outside the castle long before dawn. I didn't think that was going to be the definitive solution, but apparently, the need to keep me away from the castle was much greater than my father's reason. Yesterday, I had decided to make a change, although I wasn't sure what it could be yet. Perhaps being away from the king could be helpful; after all, nobody plans an attack with their enemy, right?

Anyway, when the suitcases were ready, I thought my mother should handle them on her own, but Oliver had spent the whole night in the hallway, so he was ready to help her now. It was touching to see them exchange a small hug upon meeting; he could see how hurt my mother was, and for some reason, I was sure he would support her in any way he could. No, I was wrong to think it was "for some reason"; I knew for certain it was because of the argument my parents had yesterday. Oliver showed that he would be on my mother's side, even if my father ordered him otherwise; he always found a way to interfere in her favor.

Oliver carried our belongings to the carriage. Seeing him open the door for us was... I don't have a clear name for that feeling. For a moment, I thought I would burst into tears; it was an extremely sad scene. It's true that I've lived a short time in this place, but having to leave in this way could shatter anyone. I wouldn't want to imagine how my mother must be feeling; after all, she is the one who loses the most with my father's decision.

"Diana..." he murmured as he walked towards us; my mother hadn't wanted to take another step. She stood still on the stairs leading to the front yard. "Are you okay?" She let out a long sigh before gently nodding.

"I am; it's just that... I find it hard to accept it." She shrugged. "I truly thought I could make him change his mind... Was I so foolish?" He shook his head as he extended his hand towards her.

"Come on, I assure you everything will be fine... It's not the first time Malcolm acts recklessly before coming to his senses on his own." My mother sighed before taking his hand and descending the stairs with his help.

I didn't fully understand the relationship they had, but in some way, I could grasp it. It was like those friends who have a bond as strong as siblings but protect each other like lovers. In some way, I was glad that my mother could count on him. It made me feel safe, as if nothing in this world could truly harm me. It was a strange and unusual feeling for me, perhaps because of Oliver's honesty. He didn't try to hide his feelings from anyone.

On the other hand, even though I spent the entire journey in my mother's arms, she never once looked down at me. Perhaps she thought I was asleep because of how still I was, or maybe she was deeply immersed in her thoughts. To be honest, I lean more towards the second option. All she did was sigh every now and then while keeping her gaze fixed on the window. I understood how sad or disappointed she could be, but if she continued like that, I would surely start crying.

For a long time, I imagined that babies brought joy to their parents, but there are always exceptions, and unfortunately for me, I was one of them, in this life as in my previous one. On the other hand, throughout the journey, I was in my mother's arms, but she never lowered her gaze to me; she simply kept her eyes fixed on the window, and every minute or two, I could hear her sigh. She was completely affected, and I couldn't do anything to make her feel better.

I knew my mother's feelings perfectly, but when it was time to talk about mine, everything changed completely. It's true that I had been living in this castle for a couple of months, but it wasn't enough to recognize it as my home. Besides, I was accustomed to changing houses every now and then; I couldn't always afford the rent for the places I lived in, and I've given up. I'm not saying I'm going to sit idly by, but I must resign myself to playing the role that was given to me, and in this case, I am a baby.

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