[5] They both created a problem

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"I was disappointed; he didn't need to say it in words, I could sense it."

In the blink of an eye, days turned into weeks. It was much faster than I could have imagined, but thanks to that, I got to understand a bit more about the relationship between Oliver and my mother... from what I could gather, they've known each other since before my father assumed his role as the king of Román.

One of my favorite things was listening to them speak comfortably while trying to revive that old garden. I wouldn't know how to explain what it feels like to see them together... it's as if they are surrounded by a bright light that can make people close enough to notice it uncomfortable, but only because they are incredibly radiant. On the other hand, I wasn't always able to understand them because they spoke in languages I didn't fully comprehend, and even with the slightest expressions, I couldn't guess their topic of conversation. Although I had decided not to exert myself into it, after all, I'm just a baby.

Anyway, it was admirable how quickly both of them were able to renew the old castle. They only took a couple of days to transform the gloomy atmosphere of the first floor into a much more familiar one. I dare say it was even more homely than I had in mind. They dedicated themselves to buying new furniture and hired workers to repaint the walls. True, the castle was huge, and it couldn't be finished in a couple of days, but at least the main rooms were ready.

On the other hand, I couldn't participate much in the "grand change." I was mostly in my mother's room, and I didn't let anyone approach, even she and Oliver changed some of their appearances. She swapped her luxurious dresses for simpler ones, while he did almost the opposite. In less than a month, the old forgotten castle and garden transformed into our new home. Of course, it wouldn't have been possible if the people who lived nearby hadn't lent their help.

Even a small group of gardeners committed to reviving the garden. They made their best effort for the new flowers to grow. Unfortunately, everything my mother and Oliver had attempted before was rejected by them. I was very excited to see the rosebuds bloom. No, perhaps I was more excited about the orchid buds because they were my mother's favorites. No, no, no... undoubtedly, my enthusiasm was due to the small swing they built in the garden. I was eager to grow up in this place.

I want to emphasize how the old castle transformed into a home as the days passed; it was something that would never cease to amaze me. However, there was something much more interesting to tell. For a short period, my mother allowed a maid to play with me and take care of me while she was busy with the remodeling.

Her hair was as blonde as gold, her eyes were two different colors. I remember reading about it somewhere, but I don't recall exactly where. She was very sweet and didn't seem younger than my mother, although I couldn't give her more than twenty years. Unfortunately, she didn't stay in the castle for more than a month and a half, but I could affirm that she enjoyed my company and even gave me a new nickname: mon petit rayon de soleil [My little ray of sunshine]. I have no idea what it means, but the tone of voice she used when saying it made me feel special.

In this way, new people began to arrive at our home, and among them, the best were the chefs. There was even a girl who was just as kind as the one who used to take care of me, but with the difference that she didn't give me adorable nicknames; instead, she prepared all kinds of chocolates for me. It didn't seem to bother her that I could only drool over them. In fact, it was amusing to see how she strived to decorate each dessert perfectly because, after all, I'm just a baby, and I won't judge her for anything.

Unfortunately, not everything was perfect, and things wouldn't always turn out as expected, especially when it came to people who loved gossip and creating rumors that had nothing to do with reality. It saddened me not to be able to tell my mother who the people were that enjoyed discrediting her. Or, to put it more precisely, it infuriated me that they thought they could say and do whatever they wanted just because I'm a baby.

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