[2] He has made a serious mistake

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"I'm glad to know that you'll always be the same, no matter how many years pass."

The king didn't speak to my mother again; his silence lasted enough days to call them weeks. This was just what the castle servants needed—they entertained themselves by creating false rumors about what had really happened. I must admit I was surprised at the way they spoke when no one was around, but after a few days, I had taken it as a custom. Thus, one or two weeks passed, rumors spread from one side to another, but that didn't take away the fact that they were much more anxious or worried. I would even dare to say they were afraid, though the reason was very difficult to guess. Everything became clearer when the maids started disappearing one after another, to the point where less than half of the employees who were working before remained.

From what I could understand, the argument my parents had was much more serious than anyone who knew them could imagine. They rarely had arguments—let's say they almost never argued—and since the argument occurred after my birth, they found nothing better than to place me at the center of it all. I went from being the little princess to a monster capable of ruining families.

On the other hand, being a baby wasn't very enjoyable. For some reason, I found it amusing to drool on my hands to distract myself a bit, although the worst part was having to ask for everything through crying. I don't want you to think I'm a crybaby or that I demand too much; at least they could leave me a toy other than that ugly rag doll that accompanied me day after day. Anyway, I really would like to know how having red hair affected anything. It was just a hair color, and my mother had already explained its reason.

In essence, I'm just a baby who cries to have company, drools on her hands and feet out of boredom, and even overcomes her fear of that awful doll just to stop feeling completely alone. Nothing I've done so far makes me a child-devouring monster or someone who casts spells on the families that serve her food... I'm not going to start a tyranny before learning to walk, am I?

Anyway, my point is that I haven't even reached two months old, and there are already all kinds of rumors against me. I insist; they shouldn't exaggerate things. My parents had an argument, and that's it. All couples have problems; they shouldn't blame me. Besides, hair isn't permanent, right? You can always cut it or dye it. I'm sure they make hair dyes in this place... Either way, it's unfair to make such a fuss, especially if my mother has already given an explanation. After all, I have the blood of both running through my veins; shouldn't that be more important?

The sound of rapid footsteps echoing down the hallway interrupted my thoughts. I could hear everything thanks to the profound silence of my room. I knew whose anxious footsteps those were; it wasn't necessary for her to open the door to know it was my mother. I must admit that calculating the time is extremely difficult for me, but somehow, I knew she would come soon.

I could hear her opening the door quickly and running to my crib. Upon seeing me, she showed me a big smile before taking me into her arms. It was incredible how she demonstrated her love for me... in my previous life, I didn't have the opportunity to experience this kind of feeling. Maybe being reincarnated isn't so bad; I'll be able to discover all kinds of things for the first time.

"Ma petite Amelie..." She gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead. "Today your mother had a lot of work to do. It's incredible how much paperwork can accumulate... although I must confess that I took the breaks very seriously before you were born." A small laugh escaped her lips. One thing she loved to do was tell me about her day, whether it was her work as a queen or little anecdotes. For example, she often spoke about a lake and how all she wanted was for my father to come to his senses so they could visit it together. Speaking of her work, I never thought the queen had so much to do. In essence, she ruled this kingdom; my father even left part of his reports to my mother. It was completely unfair. The queen shouldn't be doing the work that belonged to him. "Oh..." She let out a slight sigh. "My days would be much happier if you could accompany me to the office... but your father has made it clear that I can't take you with me. Don't you think it's completely unfair?" She took one of my hands and shook it carefully not to hurt me. "Of course, you think the same as your mother..."

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