chapter eight

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cole's perspective

As usual, the punishment for doing something wrong was chores. I was used to weeding, washing the car, cleaning anything that mom or dad couldn't. Sometimes i wondered if they were glad us kids got into trouble — that way they were free from work at home.

I was just carrying my bucket across the field when a glimpse of alex and jackie caught my attention. I guess they were now on speaking terms. I never got why Jackie liked Alex. She was obviously his rebound and he was still annoyed about paige. To be honest i kind of felt angry at him for using Jackie. Well to me it seemed as if he used her.

I looked down at the chore list in my hand and when i rose my head i saw jackie and alex kissing. My jaw clenched at the sight. Was i angry or just, upset?

Thoughts spiralled my head. Jackie and alex? Did she just make up this whole 'i'm sorry' act? Were they now gonna be together? A part of me wished it never happened. He doesn't deserve her!

I sort of felt betrayed. All those things she said how she didn't want to hurt me and look. I'm hurt.

That's when i decided she didn't deserve to be friends with me. I just had enough! She can have alex, i didn't care.  I went through pain too much.

Jackie howard was no longer going to take over my life.

For the rest of the afternoon up till dinner, i avoided contact with jackie. Every moment i saw her, i'd change direction. When i heard her voice, i escaped. I was not going to put myself through it again. She wasn't worth it.


Before dinner, there i saw her cleaning the table. There was no getting out of this one. I mumbled some words towards her giving her the sign i was annoyed. I hoped i got into her head and now she realised i saw them kiss.

All through dinner, i couldn't concentrate. Why did she have to come here again? My emotions turned to rage and i couldn't help but grip my knife and fork tightly while eating. It was either that or let it all out.

As soon as my plate was clear, i saw my opportunity to run. I wasn't going to do anymore chores. I wasn't in the mood.

I jogged upstairs thinking maybe i could do some homework. But Jackie was in my head. Why was she in my head!

Sitting at my desk i turned to a new assignment. Just as i began writing a history essay, i heard a knock. I'd completely forgotten about jackie until that very moment. Until i opened the door to reveal her. All this time i was thinking about how annoyed i was at her and there she was. Right infront of me.

"Hey cole can we talk?" she had this innocent look in her eyes but i wasn't falling for it.
"No." i tried to shut the door but her hand stopped me.
"Please. You need to know-"
"Jackie no." this time i managed to close the door. I wanted to be free from jackie.

"Cole, you don't have to look at me just please let me explain." She spoke to me even standing behind the door. I didn't reply hoping she would go away.
"Well i know your in there so just listen, alex came on to me, i didn't want to kiss him, i wouldn't do that. I wouldn't stir things up. Just please don't suddenly ghost me and just be annoyed again. I know we weren't really friends before but i thought,

I reluctantly opened the door,
"You thought what. We were on good terms. Well i don't remember telling you i was happy with you coming back. Quite frankly i wish you just went away again. It was so much easier!"

Did i feel guilty? Yes. I guess i was just so overwhelmed.

The next morning i didn't even want to get out of bed. I knew i would be facing her again. And my chore list still waited for me. Even worse, no doubt i was probably in trouble again for something i didn't do.

That's when i chose to go. Anywhere but here. I needed to avoid everyone so i went. I went somewhere where my thoughts were at peace.

sorry it took quite a while to update, i decided to change things up abit so we got a cole's perspective. I will try update as much as possible! But thank you for a lot of reads 🫶🏻


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