Part 3

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The breeze rustled Frank's petticoats and he tried to hold his basket in one hand while holding down his petticoats with the other. He desperately wanted to keep his frilly panties hidden but he knew it was going to be a difficult task.

He got into the car as quickly as he could but heard the toddlers giggling as they no doubt caught a glimpse of his frilly panties as he leaned in.

When they arrived at the church, Frank saw the photographer waiting. He cringed. His humiliation in his pink junior bridesmaid dress, white tights and frilly ankle socks was going to be captured for all eternity.

His mother lined them up. She fluffed out his petticoats saying "smile now dear. If you muck this up you may find yourself in pretty dresses for weeks." Frank was startled but once the photographer got behind the camera, he smiled insanely. He couldn't stand weeks in dresses. This was bad enough.

Angela made sure she was in as many pictures as possible with her big brother in his pretty pink dress. He realized that being photographed smiling like this everyone was going to think he was happy being turned out in a frilly dress. But he had no choice but to do what he was told.

The bride arrived and Frank was lined up with the two toddlers to proceed down the aisle. Frank clutched his basket of petals nervously. He was about to parade down the centre of the packed church. He swallowed hard.

The music started and his mother nudged him along. The congregation turned to watch the procession. Frank smiled desperately, trying to look convincing as he walked along in his pink dress. Were his tights sagging a little? He wanted to look down to see but realized that it would ruin the effect and might only give those behind a flash of his frilly panties.

His petticoats rocked dangerously and he tried to walk in a smoother fashion but they continued none the less. As they reached the altar, his aunt motioned him to put the basket down. He followed her direction and as the basket touched the ground he heard the giggling behind. He had just given the congregation more than a glimpse of his frilly panties.

He turned and walked to his seat with his eyes on the ground that he wished would open up and swallow him. At least for a while he was away from the centre of attention but when the ceremony was over he had to walk again in front of the bride with his toddler accomplices. Oh how he wished his dress was as long as theirs.

Outside the church there were more photographs. Every conceivable combination of bride, groom, families and bridesmaids. His mother kept fussing over his petticoats and frilly ankle socks and reminding him to smile.

At the reception he tried to keep to the corners as much as possible but Angela was determined to make sure that everyone saw him and kept bringing people over to meet 'Frances'. The senior bridesmaids insisted that they all get up to dance. Angela boogied away like there was no tomorrow but Frank didn't want his petticoats twirling to reveal anything.

The bridesmaids weren't having it. They thought he was not lively enough. One of them took both of his hands firmly and forced him to swing side to side. Then she swung his arms up and made him twirl. His petticoats swirled up and there was no doubt the smiling audience beside them were enjoying views of his frills.

Finally his mother told them it was time to go. Frank didn't need telling twice and was quickly standing outside waiting with Angela as his mother made her last goodbyes.

Angela smiled at him. "You know of course that it was me who deliberately swapped the measurements so that you would have to wear a pretty pink dress, white tights and frilly ankle socks in front of everyone today and I would get to wear a nice suit!" Frank was outraged.

"And I made sure your dress was nice and short and that you had pretty frilly panties to show off. I can't wait to see the album of photographs. I'm sure mom will have an enlarged photo framed for over the mantelpiece."

Frank dived forward angrily and pushed her into the flowerbed. Angela got up and tried to brush the mud off her pants. Their mother came out. "What on earth?!" "He pushed me into the flowerbed!" Angela accused. "She admitted that she switched the measurements", Frank protested. "I did not!" Frank was even more outraged.

"You, young man", his mother grabbed his arm and knelt in front of him to get his undivided attention, "have earned yourself a week in dresses." "What?! No!" "We'll see if that will cure you of your boyish aggression."

She walked off. "No! Please mum!" Angela smirked at him. This was going even better than planned. Frank ran after his mother, his petticoats fluttering so Angela could enjoy his frilly panties as she strolled contentedly back to the car.

Back at his aunt's house Frank searched desperately for his clothes. His aunt came into the room and pointed to a trunk in the corner with a thick padlock on it. While Frank looked despairingly at the locked trunk, his aunt threw open the wardrobe. It was packed with her daughter's old dresses. "These are what you'll be wearing!" "No! Please no!" She took his hand. "You can't get these pink nails off anyway. I don't think you want to be going to church in the morning in boy's clothes and long pink nails."

Frank didn't know any better but to believe her. He sighed heavily in frustration. His aunt went to the chest of drawers and opened them. "Tonight you can wear this." She held up a pink chiffon nightie. Frank cringed. "With this." She showed him the matching pink lace-trimmed panties. She put the ensemble on the bed. "Or you can sleep as you are" she added casually as she left the room. His mother put his hair up in a net to keep his pretty ribbons and extensions in place for Sunday.

Later, Angela burst into his room in her pyjamas without knocking. Frank tugged his pink nightie down but couldn't hide the lace on his panties. Instead he climbed quickly under the flowery duvet. He didn't sleep well that night. His thoughts kept drifting to that wardrobe of horrid pretty dresses.

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