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Hi there! My name is Nathan O'Brien! I'm assuming, since you opened this book, that you're in the mood to hear a story. Well, you're in luck, because I have a story for you. It's a little story of these two favorite actors of mine. I'll bet you thought you'd heard about these two American actors, but not many people know this story, or who the two actors are.

Let me tell it! Oh, oh, let me! Let me! No, no, you two— that part is MY job. Now get back in your places, we're about to start the story. Aren't they cute? Let's give them a couple of seconds to get back into position. 1001. 1002. 1003. Okay, turn the page! I could've told it!...

The Adventures of Max Charles and Ariel WinterWhere stories live. Discover now