Start from the beginning

Hermione gives Fred his coffee
Hermione says to Fred "Fred,um,I'm married.
And you are too." Fred says to Hermione "I'm... I'm confused here.So,the drive-in,that wasn't a date?"
Hermione goes silent
Fred says to Hermione "Totally my bad.I gotta go."
Fred stands and grabs his order
Hermione says to Fred "Okay,Fred,wait."
Fred says to Hermione "It's all good.I'll catch you later."
Fred walks out of Pop's
On the bleachers
Veronica says to Betty "Betty,you're positively
radiating Nicholas Sparks.Tell me everything about this Trev." Kevin says to Veronica "Oh, there's nothing to tell.Just one of Betty's sources, there's nothing romantic in the offing."

Veronica says to Kevin "Why is everything weird here? Why can't a date just be a date?"
Veronica says to Archie "What about you,Archie?
How's life in a PG world? PG.Post-Grundy.What, too soon?"
Veronica eating chips
Archie says Bughead,Veronica and Kevin "Coach Clayton says I have a shot at being varsity I'm not thinking about anything else right now." Veronica says to Archie "And you're back to being boring."
Betty says to Archie "Are you,maybe,throwing yourself into football as a way to avoid your feelings." Archie says to Betty "I'm not avoiding anything,Betty,I'm trying to get my life back on track."
Val walks down the steps of the bleachers
Val says to Archie "I can help with that.I know Ms. Grundy was tutoring you."
Veronica says to Kevin,Jughead and Betty "Understatement of the year."
Val says to Archie "But there's this amazing
songwriter from New York,who's an adjunct at Carson College?Incredible mentor.He does some coaching on the side and I told him about you.
You wanna meet him?"
Archie says to Val "Yeah, yeah I'd love to, but football..."
Betty says to Val "No, Archie can. And he will."
Val says to Archie "Call him if you want, but do it soon.His spots fill up fast."
Archie says to Val "Thank you, Val."
Val walks away
Betty says to Archie "Hey, now you have zero
excuse for avoiding music."
Cheryl walks over to the gang
Cheryl says to Archie,Betty,Kevin and Jughead "Sorry to interrupt Sad Breakfast Club,but I'm here to formally invite you toJason's memorial at
Thornhill this weekend.To my surprise and chagrin,mother added you to the guest-list.In case you're tempted to steal our silver candlesticks, don't.We'll be searching bags."
Cheryl walks away from Jughead,Betty,Veronica and Kevin
Betty says to Veronica "Hey, try to remember, she is burying her brother."
In School Hallway
Veronica says to Cheryl "Cheryl, wait.You're in pain. This is a horrible week for you.I'm sure it's why you're being particularly obnoxious."
Cheryl says to Veronica "Maybe. What's your point?"Veronica says to Cheryl "Look, I don't want to be locked in a catfight-to-the-death with you.That only ends in one way.Mutual annihilation."Cheryl says to Veronica "Agreed."
Veronica says to Cheryl "So, can't we just...Be friends? Or, at least, frenemies?"
Cheryl says to Veronica "If you really want to
extend an olive branch,come to a sleepover I'm having."
By the stairs
Veronica says to Cheryl "Fine.Sure. When?"
Cheryl says to Veronica "The night before the memorial."
Cheryl walks up the stairs
Cheryl says to Veronica "I don't want to spend the night before I bury my brother alone."
Cheryl walks up the stairs
Veronica walks away from the stairs
In the boys locker room
Archie sitting on the bench and Archie puts his hand on Jason's name
On the football field
Floyd throws Jason's jersey at Archie and Archie puts it on
Crowd cheering
In the boys locker room
At Andrews house outside on the porch and playing his guitar and having flashbacks of the football team
Inaudible Dialogue
In the music room
Archie playing his guitar
End of flashbacks
In the boys locker room
Archie calling Oscar's number
Archie says to Oscar "Hi, Mr. Castillo.Yeah, my name's Archie Andrews.I'm a friend of Valerie's."

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