Chapter 3

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Indila walked on her toes inside; it was late. She passed the hall, but there was someone waiting for her. 'Really? It's 2 A.M.! What are you thinking?" Her uncle was a thorn in her flesh; he was younger than her mother and had the habit of thinking he was the king himself. 'I was just hiking, okay? You know I like taking night walks," she sounded annoyed.

"I know exactly what you like doing when you leave at night. Just let me remind you that you are a committed woman now; you have a fiancé!" "Whatever..."

"There is no 'whatever.' It's your people's future that you hold in your hands." Not the 'your people's future' card again. "You know what? I don't care. You are already selling me to probably a disgusted and much older guy. Won't you leave me alone, at least for my last nights with my mates?" Her uncle was furious. "What could I expect from you? The same irresponsibility as your mother."

"As if I would care about what you say to try to offend me. I'm going to bed, and I'm thanking God that in a few days, I will never see your ugly face again."

Her uncle was the worst. She hated him as much as he hated his mother. In some ways, he thought he should be the older, as if it was some kind of glory. When her mom died, he showed no reaction, just swore revenge for rebels and some more blah, blah, blah. It's not like he truly cared. And some time ago, he was the one who got her engaged so he could get rid of the last vestiges of his sister's bohemian life.

Why doesn't he get a wife for himself? Maybe he's gay, Indila laughed alone about that thought. She liked thinking that her perfect uncle was not as perfect as her grandpa used to think.

Indila felt satisfied about one of her last talks with her uncle, and that night she slept deeply well, no dreams, no regrets. Tomorrow would be a long day. When she got up and took one last look through the window, a thought hit her: that was actually nothing to lose. She had already lost her mother, the only person who mattered. She never had many friends, never got truly attached to the boys she hung out with, and despised the family the most for all the things she had seen her mom pass through. What could be worse than that? Well, maybe this presidente was a perv because she had just turned 18. Maybe he was a sadist who tortured rebels, like her grandpa does. Who knows? But it could not be worse than now.

She tried to remember some details of his face; he looked powerful but also kind of dreamy, perhaps. Maybe he is a sweet guy after all, who she would be capable of loving, and that would take care of her like nobody ever did.

That's bullshit; what was she thinking? She should just keep straight to the plan: survive and obey. That's what powerful men want, a beautiful submissive wife who never speaks, just stands by his side. It doesn't look like Indila's style, but since she was a coward when Tom asked her to run away, this was her life now.

Now, it's time to go. It is accomplished.

Her fiancé wanted to brag; there was a private plane. She kissed her family goodbye; nobody cried, and she would not as well. She got into the plane, and there was someone waiting for her.

"Greetings, your highness," he took a bow. "I'm honored to finally meet you, Princess Indila of the House of Trastámara."

Indila returned the bow in silence. "My name is Juliard, and I was assigned by the president to take care of you during your trip and adaptation in Panem."

Juliard was a tall man; he was stunning. He had a brilliant black skin and was wearing blue shiny eyeshadow that matched his blue suit. It was not exactly how men would dress back home, but he was really stylish. Indila wondered if that was what all men wear in Panem; her fiancé looked to have a more classic style judging by the pics she saw.

"Please, call me Indila." "No way, your highness, that would not be appropriate. May I call you Miss Trastámara if you like it better?" Yes, it was better. "Of course, but guess I'm not being Miss Trastámara for long though." She smiled in a shy way, and Juliard smiled at her too. "Well, make yourself at home, call me if you need anything. You may take a nap if you feel like it; we are reaching Panem in twelve hours. And once we get there, I'm sure President Snow is going to be waiting for you."

Would he? This was sooner than she expected. Indila got anxious, and if you ask her, she would deny until her last breath, but at that moment, in that plane, there were some butterflies flying inside her stomach.

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