Chapter 8

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Snow felt really pleased by the night he spent with his fiancée. She was young, energetic, funny, and also beautiful. He had really enjoyed spending a few hours by her side. He had chosen right this time. Snow lands on top. 

He had already taken care of his fiancée this night; now it was time to take care of his "dead" wife. Snow got to the lowest level of the house, two peacekeepers followed him.

"Good evening, my love."

Livia was there, tied to the wall, her hands and feet bound by chains.

"Go to hell, Coriolanus."

"That is no way to treat your husband, darling."

"You are not my husband; you are a sick bastard." She tried to spit at his face, but reached no success.

"You know what I'm here for, don't you, babe? I want to know what was written on that little piece of paper your friend gave you."

"They are not my friends; I'm not a rebel."

"Yes, you are. You dared to conspire against my government."

"I won't tell you until I see my son is alive and well."

Coriolanus grinned.

"You are not seeing MY son until I decide you have cooperated."

Livia grinned back.

"Let's at least be honest with each other, Coriolanus. You are not letting me see the daylight or my son again. You know my parents would kill you if they only knew what you have done to me."

"They would if they had known, but they never will. They had already cried your death, and I'm never seeing them again."

Livia took a deep breath, a malicious smile on her face. She looked Coriolanus up and down.

"You are all dressed up, had a date?"

Coriolanus found in that affirmation the perfect opportunity to hurt her even more.

"Yes, I had. Would you like to hear some more about it?"

Livia laughed.

"You are not hurting me with that card. I don't love you anymore."

"But you had once, didn't you, sweetheart?"

"No, I never did."

"Don't be stupid. I saw how you used to whine to your friends about how your perfect high school sweetheart didn't love you anymore."

Livia was silent again. She was pathetic. I'll kill her in some days. There is nothing more that I can take from her, he thought. Coriolanus looked back to reach the door.

"I hope she's not a teenage silly girl, but she probably is since you are such a perv."

Coriolanus turned his body to her one more time. He felt so furious he could kill her now, but there was something he wanted to do first.

"Maybe you should see her by yourself. She is, of course, in better shape than you."

Livia seemed puzzled.

"Good night, my love. I hope I don't have to see you again."

After he said that, Coriolanus threw a white rose at her body. It was pitiful, almost wasteful. She had been such a beautiful girl once, and now she looked like a bunch of old bones and hair. Coriolanus went upstairs to his bedroom, and when he laid his head on his pillow, he started thinking about a way to grow hibiscus on the property, and then he fell asleep.

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