Guess This Is It

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In my heart, a battle unfolds,
A struggle to let go of the stories untold.
After reading his message, I tried to move on,
But my heart still lingers, the feelings not gone.

I've struggled to move on, for how can I begin,
When there was no "us" to leave behind, no sin.
At 12:51, I read his heartfelt plea,
A song became my anthem, resonating with me.

Five months have passed, since I realized the truth,
That my feelings for him run deep, uncouth.
But this is it, the moment to embrace,
The beauty of love, in its own special space.

"Guess this is it," I whisper to the night,
Embracing the uncertainty, holding on tight.
For in this journey of love and pain,
I'll find the strength to rise again.

Guess this is it, the unspoken truth,
A love unrequited, a bittersweet proof.
Though the road may be long, I'll find my way,
Discovering strength within, come what may.

- 🌹🍭🐾


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