You went to there concert♡

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-You were busy and couldn't go but your boss suddenly said you could have a day off so you took it.
-He was sad you couldn't go so you decided to surprise him.
-while you took your front row seats you saw Chan looking depressed
-he looked at you and his eyes lit up
-"(Your name)!!!!! I thought you weren't gonna make it!"
-you waved to him happy
-"Stays i have a guest here say hello~"
-He wouldn't stop staring at you and smiling all giddy and stuff.
After the concert:
-"thank you for coming (your name)"
-"of course Channie!"
-He was grinning eye to eye after that

-You were supposed to have night shift but you decided you needed a break
-He didn't know you were gonna come because you never come
-when he saw you he starts grinning
-"(your name)!!"
-wouldnt wanna put you in the spotlight in front of everyone but would smile at you and wave every so and then
-secretly super happy you came
After the concert:
-"why did you randomly come? I thought you had work or something-"
-you hugged him
-"i just felt like coming, I missed you~"
-he wouldn't stop smiling to himself after that

-He had a concert and you wanted to surprise him for no reason at all.
-you've gone to his concert like 2 or 3 times
-sitting down it takes a while for him to notice you since he's talking to the other members
-he turns around to see you smiling at him while waving
-"HEY! (Your name)!!!!! What are you doing here?"
-He would rap even better that day because of you
-would not stop looking at you and would shoot heart signs in the distance
-you would do the same thing
After the concert:
-he ran up to you and you hugged him
-"why didn't you tell me you came?!"
-"i wanted to surprise you silly!"
-he was super happy

-you went home from work early and you had nothing to do so you just went to his concert randomly.
-He didn't notice you until after like 7 minutes
-stunned face he looked like: "😯"
-"is that who I think it is? Wait no.. wait (Your name)!!!! Oh my god why didn't you tell me!"
-you just laughed and waved at him while taking a photo of him
-He was 2x more energetic
-Would wave at you when he would finish one of his dances
After the concert:
-"(your name)!!!"
-he ran up to you and hugged you
-"i didn't know you were gonna come i missed you"
-he would fake sob in your arms
-really happy after the concert ended

-He knew you weren't gonna come and got sad so you decided to surprise him randomly.
-Sitting down he turned his head seeing you waving your lightstick happily
-he squints and takes a few minutes to process whats happening.
-"(Your name)?!! You came!"
-he put his hand on his chest with a shocked expression
-his mood lit up after seeing you and was more expressive with his dancing
-would smile at you from the stage
After the concert:
-you ran up to him at the same time as he did
-you guys both embraced eachother in a big hug
-"i thought you weren't gonna make it? You scared me!"
-you just smiled brightly and kissed his cheek
-he was really happy after that
-holded your hand the whole time after.

-He was quite down from hearing that you couldn't make it because of work
-but you finished work early to surprise him
-He was already talking to stays when he saw you take a seat with his skzoo and a lightstick while waving at him grinning wide
-he was so shocked
-"OI! (your name)!!!!"
-"Stays we have a very close person to me in the audience make sure to treat them nicely!"
-the screen pointed at you while you waved at everyone
-He would smile at you a lot and wave
After the concert:
-he ran off the stage quickly and hugged you
-"(your name)! I really thought you weren't gonna make it. I'm so happy" he was still hugging you
-You just laughed
-"i love you Felix~" while patting his back and laughing slightly
-"you too"
-he was super happy

-He was sad you couldn't come but understood because you had to practice your singing since you had a big concert the day after.
-the concert you had was delayed due to weather so you didn't have anything to do, you decided to go to his concert to surprise him.
-sitting on your front row seat, you could see sad puppy eyes.
-he looked at you and grinned
-"Your here?! I thought you wouldn't make it!"
-you just smiled and holded his skzoo while waving at him
-he would stare at you a lot while singing.
After the concert:
-you both ran up to eachother
-"You scared me! I thought you wouldn't make it"
-"my concert got delayed, so I surprised you! I missed you anyways"
-you guys hugged for a while before going home
-he tried to stop smiling but couldn't.

-He hated your boss for giving you a bunch of work, you did too.
-Your boss surprised you because he said he was doing all that to see if your worthy enough to get a raise.
-Lucky enough you got a raise, and a day off.
-But you didn't care because you got to go to your lovers concert.
-as you walked in you sat down and admired him until he looked at you while his eyes widen.
-"..(your name)? Is that really you? I thought you didn't make it!"
-you couldn't help but smile to yourself as you see him perform and realize he was so talented(you already knew that)
-would wave to you and make you heart signs while you would complete them.
After the concert:
-he ran up to you quickly
-"You actually came! Wow you don't know how happy I am."
-you couldn't help but giggle
-"why would I not see the person I love?"
-He blushed a lot after that and just hugged you
-"I love you"
-"You too innie~"
-he wouldn't stop holding your hand and smiling after that.


Stay safe reader, if your days bad then I hope it gets better ♥️♥️

Thank you for reading ♡

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