Changbin ִֶ•°⊹ ִֶָ

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Type:Fluff of course

//Coming home from work, you had to go on the bus, your usually really funny and outgoing, but today work made you very exhausted.

You tried to keep your eyes open but you could feel it getting increasingly getting heavier each time you blink and before you knew it you fell asleep.

Changbins POV

Coming back from dance practice I didn't have a ride. I decided I would take the bus and sat next to this girl, I started to glance at her features, she looked tired and exhausted, I couldn't help but be worried for her. Next thing I know I saw her fall asleep and I could see her head bob up and down when the bus would hit a stop.

I thought that maybe I should let her rest on my shoulder but I don't want to make her uncomfortable. But maybe letting her rest like that hurts her neck?
Coming out of my trance I feel something tap my shoulder. Next thing I know I see her resting quietly on my shoulder, I blush slightly but sit quietly until she wakes up since my house is quite far away.

(Your name) POV

I open my eyes and realize that I was lying on someone
I look up and see a guy and start to widen my eyes.

"AH im so so so sorry, I didn't mean to-" before you could reply he stopped you

"Its fine really, you looked really tired. If you want feel free to rest more." He said

"No.. its fine really, thank you?.."

"Changbin" he replied, smiling slightly.

"I'm (your name)." You said grinning.

The next thing you know your stop was here, luckily you didn't miss it this time.
(last time you missed it)

"I'll see you later Changbin if I need a shoulder to rest on again." You said smiling brightly, bowing down to him before getting off the stop and waving when you left the bus.

"See you next time (your name)."


Changbins POV

I watch as she leaves and I quietly wait a few more stops to pass by, until I see my house.

I see the sun slowly going down, letting the moon visit. looking at all my surroundings while walking.

Yet I couldn't help but think when I would see (your name) again, which Im not even sure if I ever will.

2 weeks later

(Your name) POV

I took a day off to get some rest from being so energetic around everyone, sometimes I need some alone time.

Going out of my house I decide I should watch a movie, taking the bus again.

Getting in the bus I see a familiar face, making my eyes widen and my grin to get wider.


"Changbin!" I said

He turns to face me as his eyes start to light up

"(Your name)!" He said as he giggles

"Its been a while right? I didn't know i was going to see you on the bus again." I said as I punch his arm lightly .

"Me either (your name), where are you going?"He asks curiously

"Ah, im going to a movie theater." You reply smiling slightly

"Can I join you? I have nothing else to do.."
He looks away awaiting for an answer.

"Of course you can! So its a date?" You say as you giggle.

"Maybe it is." He says as he wiggles his eyebrows causing you to start laughing.

But neither of you guys knew how much you liked eachother.


"A horror movie?!" You said as you start shivering to the thought, you've never been a big fan of scary things since you get startled easily.

"Pleaseee (your name)" he asks as he starts doing aegyo making you giggle.

"Ah alright" you reply blushing slightly while looking away.

He quickly grabs your hand making you flustered and brings you to the movie theatre.

Throughout the movie you got scared and had to cling on his arm shaking. Making him laugh at you and take a photo. You didn't notice since you were too scared.

He didn't mind though as he enjoyed the movie and would blush slightly but you couldn't see it because it was dark.

After the movie was over he took the bus with you.

"I really enjoyed the movie with you Changbin." You said when you were actually really scared but you wanted to be by his side anyways.

"We should do this again right?" He replied and you smile.

Since both of your stops were far away it was getting dark and guess what?
You fell asleep on his arm again.

This time he wasn't shocked at all and put his jacket over you, smiling to himself as he views all your beautiful features.//


You both hanged out a lot and loved eachothers company, confessing about your undying love for eachother in the end.

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