chapter 1

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Ridhima stood still when Vihaan revealed himself as Vansh Rai Singhania while he is enacting until now to understand who is who. Ridhima always doubted about Vihaan being Vansh but, he used to always act in such a way that she never focused on it very much. Over and above, she is going through Kabir fiasco these days that she couldn't do anything. 

Ridhima takes a step forward but, Vansh stops her and says"Not you Ridhima. You stand there. Today, let me tell everyone a story. A girl entered into the den of the lion, stood against him, said he is wrong, but then she committed many mistakes behind his back. Reason for his sister being in the coma, reason why his ex-girlfriend died and why I jumped off from the cliff." 

Ridhima knows this day is going to come soon. However, since the past few days, she told Vihaan how Kabir is. But remembering she only told how Kabir wants to hurt this house, but she never shared any information. She smiles at her stupidity while tears falling from her eyes. 

Dadi asks, "Who is she Vansh? Just tell me that person who bought so much darkness in this house." 

Before Vansh could reveal the name, Ridhima steps forward and says, "It is me Dadi. Everything is because of me. I'm the one who entered in Vansh life to send him to jail as Kabir told me to do. I never thought to marry however, Kabir requested I got married to Vansh." 

Dadi says, "Kabir and you" 

Ridhima: Yes, Dadi. I and Kabir were in a relationship for two years. He didn't tell me he was a CBI officer. He said he is working in a school. Later, when he revealed, he told me to get into VR Mansion. I wanted to run away I tried but then Vansh proposed the marriage, I thought to run away with Kabir, but he requested to marry him. So I did. 

Dadi: Whatever you did until is because Kabir said? 

Ridhima: No, Dadi. The day I took a bullet for Vansh everything has changed. Since then, I did what should be done rather than what he asked me to do. I even burned the chip where it shows Vansh tried to kill Ragini on the day of Dussehra but, then Aryan gave the chip to Kabir. I only saved Ragini from Vansh because he said he is going to kill her. I don't that he is safeguarding to know who has killed Uma maa

Dadi: Umaa was murdered? What is happening in the house? Why I'm not aware of so many things (she shouts)

Vansh: I don't want to stress you Dadi. From here, let me take the story forward. She has kidnapped Ragini and killed her. Then Kabir came with evidence to arrest me but, in meantime, Sia has learned her truth, so she has hurt Sia to such extent that she is in a coma. 

Ridhima: No, that's a lie. I never hurt Sia. Trust me, Vansh. It was done by Anupriya. Even she killed your mother. 

Vansh raises his hand to slap her but, he stops in the middle and says, "Never say she has killed my mother. I agree she did some mistakes, but she always been a mother who been with us. Whatever Kabir did Ridhima, he wants me to prove as a criminal, but what you did is backstabbing. Day and night, I told you I hate betrayal, yet, you never tried to tell me the truth."

Ridhima: I tried. Every time I wanted to say about my past, you said you don't want to listen. Then, Ragini thing happened which made me stop saying as I assumed you are going to kill her. 

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