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This is how they look! Don't pay attention to the older guy! And Michael is eating nachos!
During play time Michael was reading a comic, yeah, he wasn't one to talk to people but in that way, he has so many thoughts.

He loves thinking. For a boy, he was a very shy person. Not that guys are never shy, but in the worlds eyes, men should always be outgoing and if they aren't then they are weak. At least that's what Michael sees in comics and in the television. He sees that boys should be out going! He hardly sees shy males on television, and if so they are bullied.

It's funny, in this moment, Michael will meet his best friend. Michael was just being him. His boring self that reads comics and listens to 'Punk rock'. It's funny how Calum just had to be fighting this one kid about Michael.

Calum was the nicest person in the world. He would defend someone even if he doesn't know them. That's how they met.

This one boy was calling Michael names. Calum had to get him to stop so he yelled at the meanie to stop. "Stop being a meanie Tommy! He does nothing to you! He doesn't talk to you so you have to- to shut up!" Calum yelled and tommy gaped at him. "You can't tell me to shut up! I do what I want! I'm punk rock!" Tommy yelled and Calum chuckled. "Hunny, Michael is more punk than you! Look at him! He is wearing a nirvana shirt! I bet you don't know what nirvana is!" Calum yelled straight back.

"Oh yeah! I do, ball sack!" Tommy yelled and Calum did something unexpected. He slapped Tommy.

"Calum! What? You don't do that!" The teacher yelled. The noise of the slap grabbed her attention. "Sit next to Michael!" She yelled and Calum nodded and walked towards Michael who was humming 'Rape me'.

Calum sat down, "Hi! I'm Calum!" He hesitantly introduced himself and Michael stared at Calum, wondering why he is talking to him. "H-hi. Michael. I'm Michael." He whispered, putting his hand out and Calum took it, shaking his hand.

"So, why are you here? I mean, did you get in trouble?" Michael asked with curiosity in his eyes. "I slapped someone." Calum said, head hanging low. "Why? You must have a reason." Michael pushed. "Tommy. He was saying mean things about you. He was just being his meanie self." Calum explained, glaring at nothing specifically.

"You got in trouble because you defended me?" Michael asked with wonder on his eyes. "Yeah! I can't let someone be mean."

"Do you like Oreos?" Michael asked and the younger boy nodded. Michael grabbed his backpack and went through it. He nodded and put a Oreo on the table, sliding it to Calum.

"It's like a thank you! And you really didn't have to." Michael said and Calum just sighed. "If I were to have a super power, it would to make everyone happy." Calum said. "That can't be!" Michael yelled and Calum stood up. "Stand up!" Calum demanded and Michael did as told. Once Michael was stood up Calum grabbed his waist, bringing him into a hug. Calum wrapped his arms around Michael and the older boy did the same.

"Awe! It works!" Michael yelled after they pulled away. "You already have the power you want!" Michael yelled and Calum sighed, sitting down.

Michael did the same. "Michael, I have to propose something." Calum said. "Hey hey! First a date young boy!" Michael joked. "No silly! You come to my house every Friday okay! I know my moms phone number! I could give it to you." Calum said.

"Okay! Seems nice!" Michael exclaimed and Calum gave the number to Michael. "Okay guys! Get ready to go home!" The teacher yelled and they eagerly got their stuff, packing everything up.

They waited in line to leave to the back area so they could walk home. "I walk home." Calum informed Michael and his eyes widened. "Me too! Where do you live?" Michael asked. "Anijo drive." Calum said. "Oh! I live next to this two story house, brick wall, the bricks are pale and they are the only people with a red mail box!" Michael said. "I also live on Anijo!" Michael continued and Calum came with an idea.

"Walk with me!" And Michael nodded. "Okay let's go!" Their teacher announced and they started walking to the back area.

They walked on silence, but the kids running around, teachers yelling at those kids telling them to stop running made up for it.

Once they made it to the back area they told the teacher they were going to walk home and she nodded, hugging them telling them to be safe.

"So, do you play any instruments!" Michael asked. "Yeah I play the guitar! Learning how to play the bass. I also sing, if that counts." Calum chuckles and Michael nodded. "Same! Well except the part of the bass, but I like singing!" Michael laughed.

"When you come over on Friday, we are gonna jam out!" Calum yelled and Michael nodded eagerly. After that they stayed silent. Not awkward, it was comfortable.

Calum shifted towards Michael, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I'm happy I slapped Tommy." Calum whispered. "Thanks again. I kinda get bullied because I'm too quiet but they don't try to talk to me." Michael said and Calum nodded.

"Well they are stupid okay! Don't let their words get to you Mikey!" Calum said, looking at Michael. They were still walking but that didn't really bother them. Their eyes locked and they just stared at each other.

"Young love!" A teen squealed, taking a picture of the platonic pair. "You guys are so cute! It's not fair! You guys are like nine and ten? I'm fifteen! No love! But you two are literally the breathing example of love!" The teen yelled and Calum and Michael blushed.

"We aren't dating!" Calum said "Yeah! We just met!" Michael yelled and the girl just nodded. "Later you guys will notice! In a day, week, month, year. I'm telling you guys, you are going to get together." she said "What are your names?" "Calum and Michael." Calum said, pointing at each other.

"Malum." She whispered. "Yup, malum is life. Well I have to go! I hope it will come to your senses!" She yelled and walked away.

"That was weird." Calum said and Michael nodded in agreement.

Calum's arm was still around Michael's waist but they didn't care. They kept on walking in silence.

"What do you call a fake pasta?" Calum asked and Michael groaned. "What?"

"An impasta!" Calum yelled and laughed. "Shut up! Oh my god that was horrible!" Michael exclaimed and Calum pouted.

"Well my house is there!" Calum announced. Michael walked Calum to his door, and before Calum walked inside, Michael hugged him and whispered a thank you.

"Bye loser!" Michael yelled. "Bye retard!" Calum yelled and walked into his house. He threw his backpack on the ground and strangely, he still wanted to listed to Michael's voice.

Michael walked a couple houses down and finally got to his own. He did the same thing as Calum. And maybe even thought about Calum's calming voice.


Cute!!! I know I know!! The only warning is........ FLUFF and maybe smut later on!

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