Chapter 2

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Miles pov)Tw swearing tell me if I missed any
"So do you have any siblings?" Mary asked giving me her full attention "yeah my sister Lindsay" I don't think I have ever been in a conversation where somebody was this interested in what I'm saying "is she older or younger?" She asked the smile still on her face "we are twins, but she is 10 minutes and 42 seconds older" I quoted Lindsay

"twins, that is so cool" she didn't sound sarcastic but saw something or someone in the hall from the classroom door behind me and seemed a bit distracted "well I have to get going, bye miles!" Mary grabbed her bag and waved goodbye to me walking out the door "there is something fishy about her" Rob complained in his pissy tone

"how?" I turned to look at him with a confused expression "I just have a bad feeling about her" he argued looking at the classroom door "She has been here a day, get to know her before you make options about her." "If I'm right about her I get to say I told you so" Rob replied as i started to grab my bag

"hard maybe, bye Rob" i shrugged walking out the door "eat shit!" He gave me the middle finger before I got out of the door. There is barely any one in school 10 minutes after it ends the hallways are like a ghost town so quite you could hear a pin drop

"SHIT!" A familiar voice yells from the hallway, I poked my head around the hallway to see a boy with messy fluffy brown hair oversized t shirt and ripped jean- "cal,why the fuck are you sitting on the floor" he flung his head up at the sound of my voice

"hey miles....." cal said in response as I walked over to him "I .....tripped and fell, and got a bit of a bloody nose " he mumbled wiping his left nostril "really?" He gave me his signature glare "yes!" He yelled getting up "we are going to the nurse hurry up" i grinned walking backwards "I'm FINE I. Don't. Need. To. Go. To. The. Nurse!" He argued

"British people saying nurse is the funniest thing to me I don't know why " I smiled mocking him "I DON'T EVEN HAVE MUCH OF AN ACCENT HAVE YOU HEARD KATHY TALK!" He shouted fallowing me to the nurses room "bitch" he whined as I smirked at him "I will wipe that fu-!"

"So Mr.kindalyn what happened?" Mrs.Rivers the school nurse asked "I tripped and fell." Cal confirmed looking at the floor "that must of been quite a fall by the look of it" mrs.Rivers claimed cleaning the blood "yep" cal replied looking at me "Mr.Richards did you see this mighty fall?" She asked, at this point the bleeding had stopped

"no I can only imagine it" i  said in a dramatic voice "oh my god shut up" cal glared as mrs.Rivers finished up "ok there you go,be careful" she smiled taking off her single use blue gloves "thank you mrs.Rivers"  he smiled back getting up and waving goodbye

"i thought you where gonna die" i gestured in the most dramatic way possible once we got out the school doors "holy shit has anyone ever told you you have a vary punchable personality?" "YES, you have multiple times!" I replied in a fake excited tone. He only responded with a smile, cal is a vary sarcastic person its the one of the main things i lo- LIKE about him

"your face is a bit red are you ok?" he questioned "oh yea I'm just cold" I played it off "How?" He laughed "its cold as hell out her-" "ITS 10°!"  He argued with the biggest smile on his face "shut up" I shoved him walking into the apartment building doors " NO, We have to go up the stairs!" Cal has a deep hatred for the stairs he says it's because they try to kill him.

I think he's just clumsy, he argues otherwise "I could carry you up the stairs." I joked "I'm already half way , hurry your ass up!" He shouted "why are you so insistent on leaving me!"  I shouted back "why are you so slow!"he shouted down "I'm going to beat your ass!" I snapped running up the stairs

"yeah yeah bye!" He replied walking to his apartment door "bye" I replied with my middle finger up watching him close the door. Today is Tuesday so Ron should be at work but knowing him he's probably on the couch with a can of beer in hand,  ah yes Ronald cratmen my moms dick head husband

"miles, can you grab me a drink!" Ron shouts from the couch as soon as I open the door "get it yourself" I shout back walking to my room "useless sack of shit" he mumbled under his breath "he has shit for brains" my sister Lindsay signed to me "definitely" I signed back before closing my door.

My sister Lindsay has selective mutism, she used to talk quite a bit when we were young  but she hardly ever talks now she communicates using sign language, her note pad, text or just straight up pointing at things.

Mom used to try so hard to get her to start talking again and she still try's but not as hard, then again she barely ever sees us. Last time I had a hard look at her is when she told me to clean up the mess coming out of my closet 4 months ago 

Which I still haven't cleaned it's not a huge mess it's just my box of photos and some clothes aside from that I keep it pretty clean in here, even though the drawers of my bedside table are chaos it's perfect for hiding my note book though.

Mrs. Darklight said that me and Lindsay are creative like our mother. Me with art Lindsay with words.... In writing, I enjoy writing but I'm kinda shit.


So Wattpad deleted 2 of my chapters and I had to re-write them this was one of them. And I'm glad I did

Words 1028

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