02 | Thinking about You

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| Hanni's Apartment |

To be honest, Minji didn't really know why she ended up going off with Danielle after all. Was it because she had become curious? Was it perhaps simply because of the younger girl's engaging personality? There were many possibilities as to why Minji decided to go, but only one stood out and that was the opportunity to see Hanni again. She didn't know where she could find her, so any hope, however small, came in handy. It had to be like this, didn't it? Why else would Danielle have been so excited when she saw her? After all, the sunshine called it a surprise. What else could Danielle surprise her with if not Hanni? Minji shook the thought out of her head again, after all, this wishful thinking would only disappoint her if it didn't happen in the end. It didn't take long before the two women were standing in front of a small apartment complex and Danielle turned to her with a big grin: "Excited already? Just one more flight of stairs and we're ready to go!" Minji replied to her statement with a small smile and a nod of her head and followed the other girl's every step. With every step, her heart trembled more in her chest . . . hopefully she wasn't making a mistake here, maybe she should go again after all?

There were only a few millimeters between Minji and the door that led into Danielle's apartment. It didn't escape her notice that this wasn't just her apartment. Minji's gut feeling was right, the doorbell had both Danielle's and Hanni's name on it. They lived together? When the apartment door opened with the bowl in Danielle's hand, a queasy feeling spread through her stomach, but Minji tried to ignore it as best she could. She was invited into the apartment and stepped inside, again with a nod of thanks, and took off her shoes very nicely so as not to bring in the dirt from outside. Danielle disappeared relatively quickly into an adjoining room, presumably the kitchen, as they were back from shopping. While Minji was alone in the small hallway, her gaze naturally drifted over the furnishings. There were many pictures on the wall, pictures from the past, pictures in which Minji was still with the whole group and also many pictures in which only Danielle and Hanni could be seen together. Minji had probably missed a lot, hadn't she? Why shouldn't Hanni continue to live her life just because she could no longer be there? The trembling in her chest slowly subsided and a chill filled her body. 

Her feet carried her further into the apartment and finally she found herself in the middle of the living room. Here, too, everything was beautifully furnished. Pretty plants, pictures and various awards on the walls. Minji's gaze actually lingered on one of the awards. Between a silver and gold plate on an attached shelf stood a very special award that resembled a diamond. It's unbelievable how far Hanni has come with her music. Minji knew from before that she was really talented and she was really glad that Hanni had so much success with it. After all, the Diamond Creator Award was one of YouTube's biggest awards, wasn't it? Minji lifted up one of her hands and slid her finger over Hanni's engraved name on one of the plates. Suddenly, however, she heard a short squeak behind her and reflexively pulled her hand back. "Are you back, Dani?" A very familiar voice sounded and when Minji turned on her heel and Hanni, who had just come out of her workroom, raised her head, the two women's eyes met and instant silence spread throughout the room. Just the sight of them put Minji back into a trance and once again her heart pounded against her chest. She couldn't avert her gaze, just as Hanni couldn't avert hers.

It was like being in a dream. Was it really the real Minji, standing in her living room and looking over at her? Hanni was petrified, she had no idea how to react. Her instinct took over at this point and to Minji's shock, Hanni suddenly rushed back into the room she had just come from and closed the door behind her. On the other side of the door, Hanni's back was literally stuck to it and she blinked several times. She lifted her hand up and pinched her cheek hard, only to feel the resulting pain. This was not a dream. This was reality. But how? She hadn't seen Minji for a whole ten years and now she was just standing there in her apartment? How was she supposed to be able to let go when she kept appearing before her eyes? But the worst thing about the whole thing was the fact that she was wearing such ugly clothes! Simple pyjamas with stupid stripes that no one would normally see! Hanni had to change that immediately, she had no other choice, after all, Minji was suddenly visiting, so she had to look her best, didn't she? The realization also made her heart beat in a wild rhythm.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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