01 | Still the Same

148 18 6

| 10 years ago |

"WHAT!?!!?" Hanni stared at her best friend in bewilderment and couldn't believe what she had just told her, "Why, why so suddenly and why to another country?" She stomped back and forth and became angry and sad at the same time. That her parents separated was one thing, but that she had to move miles away with her mother? Minji just stood quietly in one place, she also felt like crying, but she held back. "We can still write to each other?" she raised her voice quietly and it sounded much more like a question than a statement. There was nothing she could do about it. Her mom had roots abroad and she needed distance after the separation, which was why she had decided to move back in with her mother. "Can't you just stay with your dad?" her question banged against a shaking Minji's head. "I can't . . ." Hanni stamped her foot harder on the floor and cried out in frustration. She thought they still had so much time together. She had so much planned with Minji, what about all the things they had planned? "And how much longer do we have until you leave?" Hanni turned in her direction, Minji dropped her gaze to the floor, "...we're leaving tomorrow." That was clearly too fast for Hanni, how was she supposed to deal with it? Her best friend was about to leave her. The girl she was with 24/7 and did everything and . . . "..you can't leave me like this.... Minji... I.. I love you!" 

| Present, Hannis Apartment |

Time wasn't really with them. In the beginning, they still wrote to each other a lot, but the different time zones didn't make it easy for them and it became less and less until the contact just disappeared into thin air. They got older and had obligations that they had to attend to. Hanni studied music and in the meantime she became a small internet wonder with her self-written music. You could roughly say that she became an influencer, uploading her music to a platform and earning money with it. She also has her fanbase and her sponsors, there wasn't really much she was missing to make her life even better. But every now and then, when she reminisced, she realized that there was something she was missing. It had been so long, how could she still not be over it? In her grief, she had even written a song that revealed her true feelings and was loved by many of her fans. Of course, they didn't know what it was really about, but at least she could let her thoughts out. 

Today was another normal day for Hanni. She was sitting in her study editing some of her videos, as the person who normally takes care of them was on vacation. Yes, she actually had people working for her... but by people I mean just one person and that person is her roommate Danielle. And to be honest, she didn't go anywhere, she just wanted to have a few days off because it was getting pretty exhausting. Of course, Hanni fully understood, she had too much to do at the beginning. She didn't really feel like working at the moment, but unfortunately she had no other choice. If she didn't want to suddenly find herself without money, she had to upload something regularly. However, a knock on the door brought her out of the flow of work and she tilted her head in that direction: "Yes?" The door opened and only Danielle's head peeked in, giving her a smile: "Hey, I was going to the supermarket now, do you need anything in particular?" Hanni stopped at the computer and spun her chair around: "Do we have any bread left? I think I ate too much yesterday, I don't know why, but I was so hungry for it." A mock laugh rumbled through her throat and Danielle just raised a brow in response. "Of course . . . well, anyway, I can bring some more. Anything else important? Do you want me to bring all the girls who look like Minji?" The last question really took Hanni out of reality and she looked at her friend, puzzled.

"Did you really think I didn't know who your latest song was dedicated to?" She actually just wanted to tease Hanni a little, but every now and then she realized that she still couldn't give up on her childhood sweetheart. Before Hanni could answer, Danielle interrupted her again: "No excuses, I've been in the same circle of friends, don't you think it's time to let her go?" Hanni was speechless for a moment before she turned around in her chair and gave an even worse fake laugh: "I'm so over her, girl, like literally. The song is going down well with people, that's the only reason I wrote it, yeah yeah" Hanni grabbed the mouse and started editing again, trying not to let her obvious lie show. Too bad she had to talk about it with Danielle of all people, she always had a sixth sense for such things. "Alright, your call, I'm off then ~" and as soon as the door closed, Hanni dropped her head on the table and sighed heavily. It's been ten years now, how could she still not be over it? She couldn't even date anyone else in all that time, although there were some people who really liked Hanni. But none of them were Minji.

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